Announcing the 17th Annual 2011 Anti-Racist Action Network ConferenceChicago IL - September 17, 2011
Date: Saturday September 17 from 4pm-10pm
Location: U.E. Hall, 37 South Ashland Ave Chicago, IL (wheelchair accessible, children-friendly, near Ashland green/pink line)
$5 suggested donation. After-party after 10pm details TBA.
Conference details at
Chicago is hosting the 17th annual Anti-Racist Action Network conference on September 17, 2001. This event is open to the public and includes workshops, caucuses and discussions. Come meet other activists and organizations involved in community struggles against racist terror and other forms of oppression.
Featured speakers:
Mark Clements (Campaign to End the Death Penalty, Jon Burge torture survivor)
Daniel(Four star Anarchist Organization) & Lash
Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn (former SDS and Weather Underground members, authors of Race Course Against White Supremacy)
Michael Novick (LA ARA/People Against Racist Terror)
Bring The Ruckus
More TBA
Workshop descriptions
Militant anti-fascism by Daniel and Lash
This workshop will focus on the theory and practice of militant anti fascism. We will attempt to explain what fascism is and how it is similar to/different from other ideologies of the far right, how militant anti-fascism differs from liberal anti-fascism, how this work relates to anti-racist/anti-oppression work and how it relates and impacts other movements. This workshop will also provide some concrete strategies and tactics for combating fascism.
Michael Novick
ARA unites around principles of anti-racism, anti-fascism and anti-oppression as our political approach, non-hierarchical autonomy as our organizational approach, and miltant direct action as our tactical approach. Let's address issues of politics, strategy and tactics not commonly raised, to draw out areas for further study and discussion. Michael Novick will consider settler colonialism and white supremacy in forming class consciousness, the state, society and political groups; and the implications of anti-colonial analysis for building alliances, developing successful anti-fascist strategy, and identifying pro-active priorities in the battles we take on.
More coming soon. If you have not submitted your workshop description please do so ASAP
Anyone who wants to host a workshop, table with literature, or participate in the conference in other ways, please contact us at
southsidechicago (at)
For more information please see our website at or email us at
southsidechicago (at)
Check out some of the work we have been doing and supporting in the past year in our latest zine; the south side ARA may day edition