Bernie Dwyer, Carlos Martinez April 14-15
Bernie Dwyer, co-director and producer of "The Day Diplomacy Died", “Mission Against Terror: The Case of the Cuban 5," “Philip Agee, Cuba and the CIA,” and Radio Havana Cuba correspondent
The US has waged a covert war against Cuba for over 50 years, much of it under the radar of the American public. The frame-ups of the 5 Cuban political prisoners in the U.S. and the case of Miami CIA terrorist Posada Carriles illustrate this. "Human rights" and "democracy" are used as code words for US aggression. The "dissidents" movement in Cuba is used as a US tool to undermine the Cuban social system.
This new documentary being shown by Bernie Dwyer and Roberto Ruiz Rebo exposes the story behind the lock up of 75 “independent” journalists, trade unionists, and librarians in Cuba in 2003 through the eyes of four ex-Cuban state agents working undercover. In this film former Cuban undercover agents speak out for the first time on film about the inner workings of the dissident groups they infiltrated and the various plans, supported by the U.S. government, that were being developed to destabilize Cuba.
Carlos Martinez, editor of Venezuela Speaks! Voices from the Grassroots, served in Venezuela as the program director for Global Exchange, where he coordinated delegations to Venezuela. His articles have been published in Common Dreams, Monthly Review Zine, and on
Venezuela Speaks! is a compelling oral history details the country's bloodless uprising and reorganization. For the last decade, Venezuela’s “Bolivarian Revolution” has captured international attention. Poverty, inequality, and unemployment have all dropped, while health, education, and living standards have seen a commensurate rise. The stories told in the book shed light on the complex facets within the revolution, detailing the changes from community media to land reform, cooperatives to communal councils, and the labor movement to the Afro-Venezuelan network. Offering a different perspective than that of the international mainstream media, which has focused predominantly on Hugo Chavez, these examples of democracy in action illustrate the vast cultural, economic, and racial differences within the country.
Tour Schedule:
Carlos Martinez
Thursday, April 14th
6:00 - 7:30 PM
International House
1414 E. 59th Street
Sponsored by the Center for International Studies, University of Chicago
Carlos Martinez
April 15, 10-1130 AM
Purdue University Calumet, Room 353 SULB
2200 169th Street
Hammond, Indiana
Directions: Exit 2 off I94 North on Indianapolis.2nd light turn right, 4 blocks to campus
Turn left into parking, building is straight ahead. The student union-cafeteria building, Room 353 SULB is on the top floor.
sponsored by Department of Communication and Creative Arts
Bernie Dwyer
Thursday April 14 3-5 pm
Dominican University, Lewis Building 204
7900 W. Division, River Forest
(film not being shown)
Directions: 8 blocks west of Harlem on Division, between Park and Thatcher Avenues
Bernie Dwyer & Carlos Martinez
Friday, April 15 · 12:30-2:30
Consulate General of Venezuela in Chicago
20 N Wacker Dr., Suite 1925, Chicago
Bernie Dwyer & Carlos Martinez
Friday April 15, 7pm
DePaul University, Munroe 114/115
2312 N. Clifton (3 blocks west of Red Line L stop)
The Peace, Justice & Conflict Studies Program, Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5, Latin American and Latino Studies Program, and the Center for Latino Research.
Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5, 773-376-7521,
uscubachi (at)