Government Shutdown - Budget Crisis
Blackmail, by anyother name, is still blackmail
Legal abdication of duties, Legal right to create own system of governance. Suggested mirror government of current duties. Maintain Private space until official offices are cleared. Use security forces to secure buildings.

The Gubbermint is threatening a total stop to social security payments within three days, unless we promise not to tax the wealthy. There IS budget crisis because the only people with any money in this country are not paying taxes. No taxes, no fundage. Furthermore since everyone else in the country (not 1%) is stone broke. They pay no taxes either. "Our representitives" in washington have left us up a creek. Perhaps if we were paid back the bailout funds (what funds.. i never saw any funds..) it wouldn't be so bad. There is a budget CRISIS because the bushy boys looted OUR club house treasury gave it to their friends, and they won't give any back (in the form of taxes).
This is a totaly abdication of responsibilty and dutie. It gives Citizens every legal right to governthemselves as they see fit (talk treason, about destroying us from the inside) This is almost an act of war, it would be if the facts were more clear. Hopefully the governmetns citizens form will be reasonable and acceptable. I'd say we might even delve into total anarchy... ok well. portlands already there so were ahead of the curve on that. :)
The funny thing is (funny company sucks) The wealthy are the only ones with any cash. Everyone else IS stone broke. That is why there is a crisis. And they are blackmailing your grandparents; if they don't get what they want (facist control) they will close the doors, and stop paying granny her lousy 300$ a month dogfood ration.
a "minor inconvience" as a pundit on Up to the Minute (cbs) put it this morning around 3:20am.
A minor inconvience to lose your only income?
Well, I'm sure it will all be resolved as soon as granny is kicked onto the streets and starves.
Luckily after we kill granny (and the abused-'mentally-ill') social security recipients there will still be a budget crisis.
tim and eric say "Good Job!"
If the gubbernmint shuts down they will be legally giving us the keys to our country back. It's the best thing that could happen to us.
But of course they won't, because then they'll be out of power, and out of jobs. Psychopaths hate being out of power. And besides... now we have a plan.