Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police

A 'Slap on the Wrist' for Chicago Police Torturer, Africans Resist the Colonial Prison System

Reparations in Action!
Sunday, 13:00 to 14:00 (2011-02-13)
Host: Penny Hess
This Week: A 'Slap on the Wrist' for Chicago Police Torturer, Africans Resist the Colonial Prison System
African men face an imprisonment rate of one in eight.
African people face the daily terror of the police, a rate of unemployment reaching 70% in their communities, and an imprisonment rate of one out of eight for African men. Uhuru Solidarity Movement member Kristin Gordon in Chicago discusses the recent sentencing of former Chicago police commander Jon Burge who oversaw the torture of at least 200 African and Latino men during his career. Also, the recent Georgia prison strike is discussed as part of the growing African resistance to a colonial, brutal prison system.

Go here to listen today at 1pm EST!



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