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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Torture, Guantanamo and Accountability

Tuesday, Jan. 25, 6 pm, Rm 341, Lewis Center, 25 E. Jackson, Chicago, IL
Torture, Guantanamo & Accountability
Hear: M. Cherif Bassiouni, President Emeritus of the International Human Rights Law Institute & author of "The Institutionalization of Torture by the Bush Administration" (2010), refute George Bush’s claim in his memoir that the torture committed with his approval was legal because his lawyers told him so. Candace Gorman, attorney for a Guantanamo prisoner, describe the torture detainees there endure and the ongoing imprisonment of 173 men at Guantanamo, despite President Obama’s pledge to close it. Debra Sweet, national director of World Can’t Wait, describe actions this month to close Guantanamo and issue a challenge to be part of resisting the crimes being done by the U.S. government in our name. The discussion following will be moderated by Ben Meyer, member of Amnesty International and The National Lawyers Guild. This event is sponsored by Amnesty International, World Can’t Wait, and DePaul University College of Law Chapter of The National Lawyers Guild. For more info, contact:



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