The Right to Remain Active
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Activists who were targeted by the Sept. 24 raids are now being re-subpoenaed to try to force them to give testimony against others, as the FBI deepens its McCarthy-like attacks on peace activists in the U.S.
Here are speeches at the People's Thanksgiving Dinner on Dec. 4, 2010 and the Emergency Rally to protest FBI harassment of solidarity activists at the Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago on Dec. 6, 2010. Includes: James Fennerty, National Lawyers Guild - Chicago Chapter; Matt Brandon, Sec-Treasurer, SEIU Local 73; Hatem Abudayyeh, Executive Director, Arab American Action Network; Lee Gargagliano, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network - Chicago; Stephanie Weiner, activist; Tracy Molm, Palestine solidarity activist who has been called back to the Grand Jury; Joe Iosbaker, activist; Kirstin Szremski, American Muslims for Palestine Director of Media and Communications; Sarah Smith, activist; Stan Smith, father of activist targeted by raids.
Rally at Federal Building on Dec. 6 in Chicago
Photos: Labor Beat
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