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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:Talks, Not Threats, are Best Way to Reduce Tensions in Korea Crisis

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.
Talks, Not Threats, are Best Way to Reduce Tensions in Korea Crisis

Interview with John Feffer, co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus, conducted by Scott Harris

The Nov. 23 exchange of artillery fire between North and South Korea resulted in the deaths of two South Korean Marines and two civilians. It was part of a pattern of escalating violence between the two nations over the past year. In March, South Korea accused North Korea of torpedoing their navy ship, "The Cheonan," killing 46 sailors.

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