LOCAL Announcement :: Peace
Meeting to begin organizing citywide Spring anti-war/pro-justice activities
A meeting to begin making citywide plans for Spring anti-war/ activities will be held at 2 PM to 4 PM, Sunday, December 5th at the office of the 8th Day Center for Justice, 205 W. Monroe Street, 5th floor, Chicago (wheelchair accessible).
All who participated in the October 16th action are welcome, as are all those who want to organize a stronger and more effective anti-war / social justice movement in Chicago.
Due to security arrangements for the building in which our meeting will be held, please do not arrive earlier than 1:45 PM nor later than 2:15 PM. Those who absolutely must arrive after 2:15 PM will have to call someone to be let into the building.
Please forward this message widely.
For more information, email
CCAWR (at) aol.com