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LOCAL Announcement :: Prisons

Art Through Bars and premiere of In Prison My Whole Life

Art Through Bars a silent art auction benefit for Midwest Books to Prisoners and the Chicago Premiere of In Prison My Whole Life

Saturday December 4, 2010 @ Biblioteca Popular 1921 S. Blue Island

How Much: *
A sliding scale donation of $5-10 entry with no one turned away for lack of funds.

For info:
Email CAFF (at) or visit our facebook page: Chicago Anarchist Film Fest
Midwest Books to Prisoners (MWBTP) and the Chicago Anarchist Film Festival (CAFF) will co-host Art Through Bars a benefit for Midwest Books to Prisoners. Art collected from prisoners between the years of 2005 to 2007 will be put up in asilent auction. The collection is over 50 mounted pieces and will have opening bidsat $5.00

The evening will also feature the Chicago premiere of In Prison My Whole Life.
The film explores the parallels between two events on December 9, 1981. William Francome’s birth and the day Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner was shot dead, the reason Mumia Abu Jamal has been in prison since Williams’s birth. Appearances by a sweet cast of celebrities: the late Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Angela Davis, Dead Prez, Mos Def, Steve Earl, Snoop Dog and others.



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