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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Obama/Democratic Abandonment of Senior Citizen Voters Politically Stupid

Recognition finally coming in MSM that Obama has made a major political blunder in alienating senior citizens.
In the Health Care debate, Obama included a $400 Billion cut in Medicare. "In the first showdown over the Senate health care bill, Democrats on Thursday successfully defended more than $400 billion in Medicare cuts, turning back a potentially lethal stab at the measure."

Despite rising costs generally and especially for health care faced by senior citizens, the Obama administration refused any cost of living adjustment for social security in 2011, two years in a row.

During Obama's "Move America Forward" events at college campuses across the country, he has spoken to youth, students, gays, and minorities. Notably absent has been any mention of senior citizens.

Finally today, the Christian Science Monitor, still functioning as part of the mainstream press, finally discovered this issue: "The real up-and-coming force driving Election 2010? Seniors".

"Much is being made of the 'enthusiasm gap' between Republicans and Democrats, but there's no lack of enthusiasm when it comes to older voters. Eighty-four percent of seniors who are registered to vote say they will 'definitely' vote, says the Pew center, a figure that is 9 percent higher than the previous record in 1994."

"According to pollster Scott Rasmussen, those 65 and older account for about 12.5 percent of eligible voters, but could reach close to 30 percent of voters on Tuesday. . . . 'They vote more than their numbers in every election cycle, but in midterms the numbers go up dramatically.'"

For decades following the New Deal, Democrats maintained majority status in Congress promising to defend Social Security against Republican opposition. Senior citizens were as big a Democratic block as organized labor. Yet to seniors now, Obama and the Democratic Party have managed to position themselves as the leading political threat to them, as of the moment.

Time and time again we have heard how Obama brought intelligence to the White House. Obama's pushing seniors to the GOP is pure political stupidity.



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