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LOCAL News :: Miscellaneous : Urban Development

Apple Renovates North and Clybourn L Station

shiney new CTA station at North and Clybourn, thanks to Apple
For the sake of the upscale consumers who might visit their shiney new store, Apple Computer has kicked in to renovate the North and Clybourn L station. The CTA now considers selling "names rights" to stations, probably as the result of this corporate investment. I used to live near there. It was always a dump, reeking of urine. People have been shot for $50 not far from those creaky stairs. Is this "renovation" really a good thing. and is it unique? Read on…
Well, this is all pretty groovy, but if you're not in upscale Lincoln Park you are up shit creek waiting for a paddle. Sarah Goodyear of GRIST.ORG notes that:
Earlier this year — just months after Apple announced its intention to renovate the North/Clybourn station — the CTA cut service on 119 bus routes and seven rail lines to deal with a $300 million deficit. This after raising fares in 2009. Transit systems around the nation have been slashing service, laying off employees, and asking passengers to pay more at the farebox. You can find an excellent map of the damage at Transportation for America's site. Meanwhile, the tough decisions about how to fund our nation's transportation system keep getting kicked down the road.

Of course if your L stop is just too disgusting or dangerous, you can just take the elevator to your garage and head down Lake Shore Drive, along with the rest of the rush hour traffic, with one person in each car. Such are the blessings of peace and prosperity.

I might have more to say, but I will defer until my next trip up to Chicago, which will be soon. Until then, ciao.

David Roknich





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