LOCAL Announcement :: Peace
This Friday Night -- TEACH-IN for Peace and Democracy
BRUCE DIXON of Black Agenda Report will lead off a high-powered teach-in about the Obama administration's wars abroad and their affects there and at home.
Black Agenda Report was an early left-wing critic of the Obama campaign, pointing out the "imperial consensus" of both major parties' desire to control huge sections of the world at the expense of most inhabitants here and abroad.

6:30 pm
Friday, October 15
Grace Place
637 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago
Joining Dixon will be DR. GHADA TALHAMI, Palestinian author, activist and scholar who will discuss the myths behind the current U.S.-Israel-Palestine "peace talks," where the vast majority of the Palestinian people, in the territories and refugees abroad, have no representation at the table at which their fates are being decided.
During the recent 9-11 memorials, Tea Party activists cynically turned many of them into far-right political rallies. MARIA PIZARRO, a Chilean refugee and activist, will discuss "the other 9-11," the brutal, U.S.-sponsored coup d'etat against Chile's democratically elected government which caused the murder of President Salvador Allende and 10's of thousands of Chileans.
And speaking of coups, the Obama administration's support of the recent coup against the democratically elected Honduran government will be discussed by a representative of LA VOZ DE LOS DE ABAJOS. La Voz has led several recent fact-finding missions to Honduras exposing the "death squad democracy" which is unfolding in the country under U.S. sponsorship.
A representative of Southside Together Organizing for Power (STOP), leaders in the recent successful drive to defeat the Chicago Olympics boondoggle, will discuss the connections between the wars abroad to the "war" of the wealthy against us at home. A representative of the anti-war activists recently targeted for FBI raids will update us on the ongoing struggle to defend the right to organize amidst these attacks.
Time for discussion and socializing will follow the presentations.
This TEACH-IN FOR PEACE AND DEMOCRACY is organized in conjunction with the MIDWEST MARCH FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE at 12:30 PM, Saturday, Oct. 16 at the intersection of Michigan Avenue and Congress Parkway, followed by a march on downtown Chicago's busiest streets.
For more information, go to the www.ChicagoMassAction.org website or email CCAWR@aol.com