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End of the Bush Dynasty Continues...

Dumkopf Nazi fools have been given power to rule until God's words are fulfilled. (Rev. 17:17)(a.) It is written that the Lord will slay their leader, GHW Bush, the "son of perdition" with the "breath of His mouth" and that He has made my mouth like a sharpened sword for this purpose. (2 Thess. 2;8; Is. 49:2) 9/18 A "Rain Dance" by God. 9/26 Decree to build the Temple.
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A Great Notion
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Reflection Optics
By talking like a fool for his entire life and eliminating anyone who has questioned such talk, GHW Bush has assumed the kingship of those who became the godless Israelites by behaving like they were "God on earth", defending the rule of the Bush fools. Have they convinced you to worship the Bush fools? (Deut. 13:1-11) These fools believe that "..anyone who kills you ... is offering a service to God."(John 16:2) Thus the Lord says, "You have condemned and murdered innocent men, who were not opposing you."(James 5:6) Since GHW Bush is the uncrowned king of Wahsington, DC, "Babylon on the Potomac"; the Lord says, "Prepare a place to slaughter his sons for the sins of their forefathers; they are not to rise to inherit the land..." (Is.14:3,21) I suspect that the reason He says this is so that Dumb Boy and Jeb Boy Bush will get rid of their old man for you. Wherever they go, keep setting up "slaughtering blocks" with video simulations of the slaughter etc. Say that they must die because their old man is such a detestable "poor excuse for excrement" etc. "When that day dawns, the king of Israel will be completely destroyed."(Hosea 10:3,15)(c.) 9/10 When you make these videos, you really want to convince GHW Bush that his kid or kids are dead in order to get him to come down out of his helicoptor; i.e. show pictures of the bodies, grieving family and friends, etc. "Not one will get away, none will escape. Though they dig down to the depths of the grave, from there my hand will take them. Though they climb up to the heavens, from there I will bring them down."(Amos 9:1-2) ""Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit," says the LORD Almighty."(Zech. 4:6) "Leave that body right where it is!"(Is. 5:25; Jer. 9:22) Never forget that the Lord said that, "After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence."(Hosea 6:2) Also " not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."(2 Peter 3:8) "Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, "What are you making?"(Is. 45:9) "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."(Matt. 10:34) "Who are you that you fear mortal man, that you were in dread constantly the whole day long on account of the rage of the one hemming you in?"(Is. 51:12-13) "Many nations will be joined with the LORD in that day and will become My people."(Zech. 2:11) "...they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death...."(Rev. 12:11) "....once not a people, now God's people.." (1 Peter 2:10)

8/19 Would You Like a Piece of Fish?! - "Gassified Gulf Fish are okay for you to eat. I just don't like fish!" See Mom Israel's new blog with its eternal images. (New set of images downloaded to blog 9/20; see or )
Here's 9/18 tweet: God's doing a rain "dance."!

7/2010 From the Redwood Forest to the Gulfstream Waters, dumkopf fools rule you and me! (Rev. 17:17) Every one of them is under the sway of the coprophagic Devil-worshipping Bush Nazis (a.) who say that something bad is going to happen if you don't listen to them. 7/15 Gulf Coast Exodus: "Therefore my people will go into exile for lack of understanding"(Is. 5:13).

Polluted Gulf War; Stopping the BP Bioterrorists!
Tue, 06/15/2010 - 10:26 — ConcernedCanadian
People like British Petroleum did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Spanish Flu, the Holocaust, and much more. They were sweet, and they professed intelligence and authority that no one could contest. God knows how to deal with them.

6/11 Soldier on Polluted Gulf frontline: "They were bioterrorists! They poisoned the entire Gulf. No one could talk to them! They kept talking utter nonsense. (Mic. 6:12; 2 Tim. 4:3-4) They carry an unlimited supply of their secret "power food" in their rectums. (c.) No one could oppose their stupidity! They were British, flying a Union Jack along with images of the inhabitants of Buckingham Palace taunting us. We had to stop this "leaking oil" madness before the octane rating of the Gulf rosed any higher. We blew their ships out of the water and plugged that leak within the hour. Now we will show the world that it is a lot easier to collect spilled oil than it is to drill for it."

6/9 - Aw! Poor America! Are the Brainless Petrolfools befouling your Gulfstream waters? Did you invite them? Maybe Canada will show you how to clean it up.

5/2 NOTICE TO FLORIDA REGARDING THE OIL SPILL: Attn: To all my brainless friends and relatives in Florida: When they first reported on this Gulf oil leak, they showed that it was from a broken pipe on the gulf bottom. Why can't they cap that pipe? They should have stopped that leak within a few hours, it seems. 5/12 I saw that the Brainless Petrolfools; i.e. the British Polluters had tried to cap the pipe with a cement cap but failed. I bet that it would work if the top of the cap had a pipe and valve. Open the valve when you cap the leak, seal the base of the cap if necessary, then slow the leak coming out the valve so that a flexible pipe can be attached to pump the oil onto tankers that had been anchored semipermanently. Don't they have any engineers in that field? 5/17 Why would there be leaks from more than one pipe? It seems like BP is just playing games with you. 5/19 Looked up the history of BP. Seems legitimate. Did find that GHW Bush was instrumental in the development of mobile floating oil rigs, but couldn't access the link with that info. 5/21 These dumkopfs are apparently trying to fulfill Revelations 8:8 by turning the sea into "blood" (oil). You should be ready to collect those underwater oil patches, separate the water from the oil at sea, or transport it to land to separate it. The technology is there. The oil is extremely concentrated in those patches. The government should have gotten rid of BP, sealed those leaks, and started collecting the spill weeks ago. All this talk of dispersants or oil-consuming bacteria is foolishness that is akin to "Let me stick my finger up your *ss, I'm sure you have cancer!" 5/22 The news today revealed how centrifugal force separates the oil and the water, and that hundreds of ships would be needed to collect the oil from a patch the size of Connecticut. I was talking about the massive blobs of oil beneath the surface. Those could be collected quite efficiently by using sonar to pinpoint the oil or something like that. Those blobs will probably pollute the Gulf for years to come. 5/24 Sarasota IMC: Re: BP oil leak - Rip the pipes out and cap it with heaviest cement cap you can find with an outlet pipe on top to transfer the oil to tankers. These fools are probably saying that they have to rebuild the old rig the way it was. They can always bring in a floating rig. Get rid of BP fools. Do not tolerate their contrived incompetence anymore! 5/26 The Coast Guard has arrived claiming that they can use mud to seal the leaks etc. Dispersants with unknown side-effects are being used. Kind caring dumkopfs are trying to save dead birds. This is what happens when you let fools play with such stuff. The Gulf will probably be poisoned for eons to com. 5/28 This has all been a ruse of the Bush fools to detract you from the matter of their iniquity and stupidity. They will stop at nothing! They think nothing of ruining the Gulf or any other place on earth. Their use of bioterrorism knows no bounds! 6/1 I repeat. Cap that oil leak! Rip the pipes out and drop a multi-ton cap (I wrote "100 TON cap"! Bush Nazi hackers never stop!) on it. Have the military do it if necessary. They could always use oil. Then collect every drop that you can before it hits shore. 6/2 The cap that they showed today looks like another attempt to show how smart they are. Looks like the well is dying out now too. I also bet that well was drilled into a main oil reserve that will cause a lot of the 3,000 other wells in the Gulf to run dry. 6/3 They are just playing games with you. I bet that they target anyone who tries to stop this foolishness.

6/5 Don't those dying Pelicans make your blood boil? Each one is worth 20 BP executives. I bet BP is Texas oilmen who bought the BP trademark too. We never heard of BP until recently. The US Military should have figured out how to collect that oil by now. Every drop that could be retrieved too! Putting booms up is retarded stuff just like dispersants. For those masses of oil on the Gulf bottom, they should have made collectors similar to vacuum cleaner hoses with attachments on the intake that filter the oil from the water before the oil is siphoned onto tankers. Such collectors could also be affixed to small tankers to collect what is on the surface. As for refining the collected oil, it may be necessary to do the refining themselves, for the oil industry really seems to be a satanical business that does not communicate with anyone; i.e. brainless Nazis. If the US Military is not still under the control of the Bush Nazis, they will surely show them how much more economical it is to collect spilled oil than it is to drill for it. Nuff said? There's enough oil there to feed the Military's petrol thirst for a long time. 6/7 What I have described above is the way to collect that oil, for there will be no discharge of contaminated water from the boat into the water. Latest attempt to cap that leak is pathetic. It looks like there is more coming out now; plus the Brainless Petrolfools are being heralded for having made manifest the biggest oil spill ever! In 1991 I moved a million man army on Saddam Hussein for 21 days, and I didn't lose a Gad damn soldier! If the US Military is not addressing this as an assault on our shores by now, that is proof they are catering to these Bush Nazis who spend their every waking moment dreaming up ways to fool with Bob, discredit Bob, interfere with Bob's affairs, block Bob's messages, etc. Maybe it's time for Canada to take a hand in this matter. After all, I am also the Concerned Canadian. They have rights in the Gulf of Mexico, don't they? They don't have much oil-producing land either. We should give them the Florida panhandle for doing it too. They could always use some Gulf waterfront. 6/9 These dispersants are probably making the water more toxic as well as making it impossible to collect the oil that has been treated. I told GHW Bush today that he had no power to end the Persian Gulf War because Congress had declared war. If he hadn't stopped our army after 21 days, Saddam would probably now be living in exile in some place like Turkey. If they had tried to start moving on Saddam again, he would have probably killed 100,000s of troops. Don't forget that there was a factory in Iraq with thousands and thousands of liters of anthrax, and a couple of liters was enough to kill the population of the entire earth. Saddam would have created a diversion and dumped so much anthrax on those troops that they would have died from the exposure that they received just while adjusting their face masks. 6/15 GHW Bush revealed to me that when Saddam was fulfilling the prophecy of the Ram in Daniel 8:3-4, charging "toward the west and the north and the south", that was Bush's cronies stirring things up and making Saddam take his army to check things out. I bet that Saddam never persecuted anyone without just cause. Everything that Saddam said in court about such things needs to be publicized. Stop letting dumkopf Nazis rewrite history. Same goes for the alleged 700 deaths that occurred in the PGW. Most of them supposedly happened in the fabricated portion of that war from @ 2/5/91-2/25/91. I bet that Bush Nazis were involved in every single one of them. 6/16 If you don't think that Saddam was ready to thrax the whole lot of them, consider that they probably never would have found that anthrax factory, for someone probably drew attention to it when Saddam sent them there after the 21 day pursuit had stopped. That factory was underground, and press photos of it showed the anthrax stockpiles next to one of the ventilation outlets. There was no visible evidence that there was anything there. The press report also revealed that Secret Service took some of that anthrax stockpile. Secret Service was probably in Iraq on the pretense that GHW Bush was the one who made that war happen. When researching the alleged 700 casualties of the PGW, I found that Special Forces were involved in the deaths of many of them. Was that Secret Service playing soldier? To hell with the Gulf states. Congress should be listening to tapes of what GHW Bush and Secret Service were doing during the fabricated portion of the PGW. This oil fiasco is all a ruse to divert everyone's attention from the criminality of the Bush Nazis. If they cared about the Gulf of Mexico, there wouldn't be a live Bush Nazi throughout the southeast. 6/17 GHW Bush - I don't want my kid to know how stupid I was! "Stuff more sh*t in his mouth, and he won't even know who you are!" "You shouldn't have left him in the toilet so long either!"

PGW Deja vu: POLLUTED GULF WAR: 6/11 Even if British Petroleum has no ties to Britain, we will address this as a bioterrorist assault on America by dumkopf British oilmen. We will not rest until the Gulfstream waters once again sparkle with clarity and abound will life. Short of keelhauling the BP oilmen through the oil spill, there is no way to impress on these dumkopfs the damage that they have done to the Gulf of Mexico and to everyone who lives on or earns their living from those waters. 6/14 That is the only way to deal with such people. As it happened in the PGW in 1991, you just do it and let the dumkopf fret and worry about it while trying to conceal what really happened. Since I was the one that proposed this, there will be no reports on what happened; i.e. no matter what you do to BP, to anyone associated with them, or to anyone who comes looking for them; furthermore you could name it Bob's Petroleum. 6/15 I saw Obama yesterday on a tour of the Gulf standing at the bridge of a ship with George Herbert Walker Bush while touring the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. As I was saying Obama came in late, and he doesn't have a clue. I have repeatedly revealed that GHW Bush is the "man of lawlessnes" or the "son of perdition". (2 Thess. 2:3) Of course no one can convict him of a crime! (Hab. 1:4) Can't Obama expose the telepromted "intellijence" of these morons? (Prov. 26:26) And show us that the Bushes are the frustrated Devil worshippers that are behind this mess in the Gulf? Is Obama terrified that they carry an unlimited supply of their secret "power food" in their rectums? STOP THAT OIL LEAK NOW! 6/20 Bah! It's all contrived incompetence, for they are trying to get people to come out and openly oppose this inanity. These petrolfools feel safe and secure because information on the toxicity of petroleum has been suppressed so completely. The same is happening every place that they are drilling shale formations for natural gas and contaminating groundwater. Very few people or animals could ever recover from petroleum poisoning. Have BP fools swim through those oil slicks and have these bird rescuers show us how those poisoned birds are doing. 6/29 I've heard that they capped a similar oil leak in the Middle East within a few hours. Why would people tolerate the professed concern and helplessness of these bumbling BP fools? 7/15 The Gulf coast is going thru upheaval, but nobody seems to realize that. The social upheavals brought about by the SERPENT to establish uniform Nazi populations take on many forms. In Washington, DC it was unsolved murders; "Murder. No motive. No suspects." that drove the non-Nazis out of DC. New Orleans went thru upheaval when they intentionally flooded that place to get rid of everyone who didn't support the Nazis that rule. Now the lower class is being driven off the gulf coast via the petroleum poisoning of their livelihood and their food supply. Via the innumerable ailments that arise from petroleum poisoning, poverty, and force the poor gulf coast residents will be driven off the coast. Gulf seafood will probably not be safe to eat for eons to come. Since everyone has been duped into accepting the professed intelligence and concern of these BP fools, the gulf coast will soon become a uniform Nazi population. "They are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough. They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own way, each seeks his own gain." (Is. 56:11) "Therefore my people will go into exile for lack of understanding; their men of rank will die of hunger and their masses will be parched with thirst"(Is. 5:13). 7/16 Yesterdays news showed people hauling fish out of the Gulf, i.e. limp fish. It looked like the fish was dead or dying when they caught it. That reminded me of Ithaca Coal-gas Fiasco and people pulling dead or dying petroleum-poisoned fish out of the lake whenever dry conditions resulted in petroleum contamination of the lake. "Would you like a piece of fish?" (see 7/17 You will never find a laboratory that will reveal that petroleum in the environment is causing any problems. A year or two ago there was a "mysterious ailment" affecting salmon in the Northwest. I wrote that it was probably from aviation fuel being dumped in the air. I now realize that it was probably petroleum poisoning because the salmon were swimming through water that had been toxified by the Valdez oil spill. BP Public Relations commercials brag about all the stuff that BP is doing to correct the damage. It's all asinine, worthless pursuits. The Gulf waters are now toxified to an extreme, and that is the way that they planned it. Also those dispersants probably made it easier for the oil to kill the fish. 7/23 The media barrage in respect to the Gulf Oil Spill now surpasses those that they aired for the Rodney King Beating or the OJ Chase. Soaking that oil up with those booms creates even more toxic waste that will bring the contamination onshore. Gassified Gulf Fish are going to become the norm, and we will never see fish or any other acquatic life worth consuming from the Gulf of Mexico for hundreds of years. Of course the mainstream media will soon start trying to convince you that the fish are safe to eat and will probably add more toxic substances to it that they claim will neutralize the petroleum. "Would you like a piece of fish?" 8/3 On the news last night, some Teague character claimed that the Gulf seafood was safe to eat and that he would eat it and feed it to his family. That's a lot of bull. Let him eat some of those limp dying fish three times a day, and I bet he would be dead in a year or two. 8/9 The oil polluters have tried to dismiss the oil spill with charts that they say explain what happened to all the oil that was spilled. There is probably no scientific evidence backing up their claims. I believe that most of it is still on the bottom and that the water pressure and cold temperature is keeping it there; thus it will slowly be brought to the surface by ocean currents. 8/21 If you read the Coal-gas article referred to above, you would understand that the heavy hydrocarbons of petroleum are detrimental to all life on earth. The dispersants have probably made the Gulf a lot more toxic to life too. Periodic testing for the presence of and the concentration of the heavy hydrocarbons of petroleum at all depths in the Gulf, in all acquatic animals, and in the air should begin immediately. 9/3 "Do something, whether good or bad, so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear...." (Is. 41:23); thus another oil rig blows in the Gulf! 9/19 Note that they say that the giant fish kill in Lousiana was from "lack of oxygen" and not petroleum. They must be talking about the brains of BP executives being oxygen-deprived.

ATTN! 6/15 State university here has @ 15,000 students and one bathroom for the main library. This bathroom has one toilet and one urinal; thus every time I go in there, I am bombarded by insects and stuff like that. I bet any other non-Nazi gets the same treatment. 6/17 The university downtown center is not much better. Out of a host of computers there are two reserved for Community Users, and one of them is "out of order". 7/2 Nicolaitan Holocaust by Nicotine and Other Toxics: They just raised the price of smokes an astronomical amount to appease the Nazis who feel that they can kill you a lot faster if you ingest the nicotine or breathe in the dust. These Devil worshippers have probably invested a lot of money in the companies that manufacture nicotine synthetically. Don't forget that these Nicolaitans are also the ones that dump gas, acid, iron dust, and other irritants on you, hoping that you will end up on a respirator so they can finish you off when you run out of money to pay Hitler's Health Care to keep you alive. The Nicolaitans are trying to demonize smoking by making you pay ten times what it costs to produce the smokes so that they can kill you by other means. Never forget that God also hates the practices of the Nicolaitans.(Rev. 2:6,15) See: Nicotine Madness in GHW Bush; Amigo del Diablo, which was posted a few years back and is about half way thru my blog or see Health and Fitness section in the News at: 8/9 I was talking to an alcoholic acquaintance to whom they have been prescribing "pesticides masquerading as psychotropic drugs". They apparently lock him up every time he drinks and prescribe more and more of these drugs. When I found him, he was drinking a beer outside the halfway house where he lives, and I confirmed that is why they keep locking him up. What they do is let local drunks buy alcohol for the residents and sell it to them to make money to buy more alcohol. They do that because an alcoholic apparently cannot buy alcohol. That is why they check IDs apparently. The IDs identify alcoholics I bet. Instead of messing them up with these drugs, why don't they just buy them hard liquor?

The Diabetic Death Trip
global | actions directes | refuse jeudi 10 juin 2010 - 12:13 par Bobby Meade - The Lord's meaderobe at gmail dot com
Trust in Me! Can't you See? I'm the Pied Piper!

From arsenic in the apples to oil in the Gulf, these Nazis now try to "Do something, whether good or bad, so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear." (James 5:6; Zech. 11:5 KJV; Hab. 1:4; Is. 41:23) 6/3 My friend Bob and his Diabetic Death Trip. "Did you know you're riding on the insulin express...?"


Remember my friend Bob who compelled me to try my hand at poetry again? "Bob's friends were Nazis, sweet and kind.
Sweeter Nazis were hard to find.
When Bob was born, they all did vent;
"It was a Gad damn accident!" ..."
About six weeks ago I went to the hospital to see Bob. He was there for a sore on his toe that would not heal. He was on the phone so I waited. By the time he hung up a female doctor and two orderlies had entered the room. I took one look at the doctor's name tag and recalled the NY Daily News articles on death doctors, "merchants of death". I quickly told Bob, "You got frostbite in January. Should have told me! I've healed much worse!"; and I split that place llke the devil was after me. That hospital is a maze; i.e. a death trap to anyone who doesn't know their way around it. These doctors who are written up by the NYDN probably never stick around long enough for the medical profession to investigate or prosecute them. They probably migrate to Nicky's Nazi "country" in upstate New York where Nicky or some other Nazi confirms that they are qualified with questions like "So! How many people have you killed?" Bob probably got frostbite when they have him out chipping ice when it was 20 below. I kept saying that Bob has brain damage from "chugging Floyd's liquor when he was a kid". Bob's dad, Floyd was a classic alcoholic. How classic? Well they built a liquor store next to his house! I actually got Bob to talk about "chugging Floyd's liquor", and he said that it was beer and that he got drunk when they gave him beer when he was two years old. I am pretty sure that it was liquor and that it put him in an alcoholic coma that did brain damage. Beer is just too dilute to do that. It happens all the time at Cornell when students make a stupid vow to chug a fifth of liquor or something like that when they graduate. They don't get drunk either, for the alcohol never reaches the brain. The liquor is absorbed by the tongue and goes to the heart, shutting down the body. Anyway Bob told me that he has been diabetic for twenty years. I never knew that. As you should know, the diabetic death trip is something dreamed up by Hitler himself, for he perfected it on the victims in the concentration camps before he went about promoting a diabetes epidemic worldwide. As I have written, there are probably several factors in the water or medications that cause diabetes by promoting electrolyte imbalances and blocking the production of Vitamin K in the intestines, resulting in the pancreas shutting down. So Bob's doctor fiddled with the bone in this toe sore that wouldn't heal, and a few weeks later he had black grangene growing up the toe, resulting in the amputation of the toe two weeks ago. I explained to Bob how diabetes usually results in progressive amputations that eventually result in death and that it looks like they may have innoculated that toe with black gangrene. So they wrap his foot up really well and tell him to come in every 3-5 days. I've been trying to find out what they put on a bandage that keeps for that long. His wife takes pictures of this toe all the time, and they have stitches in black skin at the amputation site. The pain is pretty intense and they have him doped up quite a bit. I have a 1974 Encyclopedia of Healthfull Living that has reports on Vitamin E taken orally and in creams curing black gangrene, but it looks like Hitler nipped that information in the bud. It even claimed that Vit. E taken orally had cured diabetes! From recent publications I found information revealing that high concentrations of Vit. E; i.e. over 32,000 IUs, was most effective in stopping it. I suspect that the bandages are like an "incubation chamber" and that the black gangrene will soon erupt again, resulting in another amputation. This seems like a form of "living dismemberment" by the medical profession that can go on a long time, depending on how much money you have to pay for medical care. Black gangrene does not appear to be what usually appeared on diabetic limbs before this "diabetic death trip" started. That is, it is a foreign infectious agent, and they don't even call it "black gangrene" anymore. I believe that it is classified as Gangrenous Cellulitis by the scientific community, and it is caused by bacteria then it becomes a fungus. So the message or question for the day is "Is there anything unusual about putting stitches in black skin?" Tell me if you know! 6/5 Since there is no mention of the etiology of this gangrene as a fungus, I suspect that this information has also been intentionally suppressed; thus only the dumkopf doctors are supposed to know how to make that black fungus grow. I have contacted the military about this since Bob is a vet. I was saying that this is probably a secondary infection that appears in battlefield wounds; thus they would know how to treat it. Now I realize that may not be true, for it may require innoculation with both the causative bacteria and fungus, not to mention this inane practice of not changing the dressing several times daily as was the norm. "You wait long enough Bob, your foot will fall off!" 6/7 I have looked into what is written about diabetic gangrene, and it is gibberish. I suspect that what they call a "fungus" pertains to the bacteria growing in the surface layers of the skin like a fungus. It seems like the diabetics are targeted people who have become diabetic as a result of Nazis contaminating their environment with chemicals that cause the pancreas to malfunction. These victims usually develop respiratory and heart problems too, for the Nazis are also throwing lung irritants, cyanide, and stuff like that on them. An 85 year old diabetic that I know spent a week in the hospital for pneumonia, and they had him on oxygen. I asked him if the oxygen smelled like chlorine? When he said, "yes"; I told him that they had probably destroyed most of what was left of his lungs with hydrochloric acid (phosgene) in the oxygen tanks. Maybe Mom was better off never trying oxygen! GHW Bush was told last night that Bob's doctor has murdered @ 700 people; thus I am sure that he is in good hands and will die happy. "More codeine for the Bob fella here!" 6/9 "Did you know you're riding on the insulin express that's taking you to your demise?" I told Bob yesterday that his doctor didn't innoculate his toe with black gangrene. "She had someone else do it!" Remember that's how the HEAD and the TAIL of the SERPENT operate so that no one can be held to blame. 6/11 Tried to find statistics on the life expectancy of diabetic amputees, and there was nothing on the computer. Did find that diabetes is only mentioned as one of the underlying causes of death in 10-15% of all diabetics who die. It seems that no matter what type of doctor you go to, they will say that your main problem is one of the myriad of symptoms that arise from diabetes. 6/26 The peripheral artery disease that Bob apparently has is very painful. This pain probably arises from the nerves dying back because of poor blood flow. I have been telling him that pedaling a stationary cycle for hours per day is probably the best way to restore blood circulation to his feet. When his wife told me not to talk to him about end stage diabetes, I showed him a picture of a huge gangrenous ulcer on the ball of the foot, telling him that this is probably what happens when you walk on the foot before restoring circulation to it. I bet the pain will be greatly reduced when the blood flow is restored too.

5/28 Yesterday I informed the supermarket manager that the 3 pound bags of NY apples at all their stores seem to have mold in them. You cannot detect it by smell until you bite into them. I tried washing them, but I could still detect that smell. Last night I determined that it was most likely arsenic, for arsenic has a metallic taste and smell that is similar to mold; plus it may be a reaction in the skin of the apple that makes it seem like mold. These apples seem to produce the intestinal pain and/or damage and vision distortion and/or damage that is characteristic of arsenic poisoning too. I bet that these apples were intentionally contaminated during the washing process with toxic amounts of some kind of arsenic-containing pesticide or fungicide. I believe that the packers and shippers are the ones responsible for this. Seems to be a conspiracy against New York apples, for they used to be the best in the country. 6/12 It seems like the supermarkets are run by business majors with no knowledge of food science. Whatever they put on those apples, the apples in the 3-5 pound bags seemed to have 3 times as much of it on them. (8/13 Offered these supermarkets selling these apples to have Gulf fish sent up. Promised them that it would be cold and firm and heavily salted so they couldn't even taste the gas.) 6/18 91-year-old woman kept bodies of sister, husband at Wyalusing house - No criminal charges filed yet, police say - By Jennifer Kingsley June 17, 2010, 8:45 pm (That sounds like the woman who was keeping twelve dead goats on her farm here. I bet that they were cultivating anthrax in those bodies, then using water to flush the spores out before straining it and drying it.) 8/20 The massive recall of eggs is proof of how inane food production has become. Why would they be using raw eggs in any food product if undercooked or runny egg yolks have been banned from entrees at restaurants for decades? You cannot break an egg without exposing the interior of the egg to possible contamination on the exterior of the eggshell. A favorite joke of the Kappa Kappa Gamma chef, Mrs. Maki when when she was trying to dissuade me from wolfing down her egg salad sandwiches was; "You know where those eggs came from? A chicken's poophole!" This egg recall shows how foolish they have become. Every single egg is contaminated to begin with. It's like pulling every single car off the road because the Ford Pinto had bad ball joints. 8/29 "NY legislators want chickens vaccinated"; i.e. against salmonella bacteria. I was taught that you vaccinate for viruses and give antibiotics for bacteria. Sounds like voodoo!

6/17 I was talking about my friend Kimmy, and I heard that Bush Nazis were sent to his house. Kimmy answered the door disguised as a bearded Jewish professor or something like that. He said that Kimmy didn't live there, but he knew a guy who would tell them how to find Kimmy. So Kimmy sent them to a guy who hated Kimmy and had threatened to kill Kimmy many times. Kimmy told them to address this guy by a name that the guy hated and to tell him that they were Kimmy's friends. I bet that was the end of those Bush Nazis! (How do you deal with such people?) 7/7 We could start a war to rub out this Kimmy character! He knows that Bobby Meade who calls himself Israel. "Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more." (Psalm 83:3) "This is what the Sovereign LORD says: "The city that marches out a thousand strong for Israel will have only a hundred left; the town that marches out a hundred strong will have only ten left."" (Amos 5:3) What you don't know is that these are some of the stupidest people on earth, and they become Israelites the minute they start looking for an Israelite. What? Just because my name is Israel, do you think I am an Israelite? You been talking about that Bobby Meade? You must be an Israelite.

From BlogCatalog Discussions: What Do You Guys Do for a Living?

I am the Lord's messenger. "Who is ... deaf like the messenger I send?" (Is. 42:19) The Lord "...carries out the words of his servants and fulfills the predictions of his messengers, who says of Jerusalem, "It shall be inhabited," of the towns of Judah, "They shall be built," and of their ruins, "I will restore them" (Is. 44:26) "I will make my words in your mouth a fire and these people the wood it consumes." (Jer. 5:14) "..the word of our God stands forever." (Is. 40:8) "Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the word of his servant who has walked in continual darkness and seen no light? The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught."(Is. 50:10,4) "Before I was born the LORD called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name. He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver. He said to me, "You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendor." (Is. 49:1-3) I am an "olive tree", standing before the Lord of the earth; one of two "..anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth." (Zech. 4) Why should I care what anyone thinks of me? The Lord has said, "...I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh; they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine. Then all mankind will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior.." (Is. 49:26) The God Love Peace talk that has been promoted is a fabrication of the powers-that-rule. Why did He say, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Matt. 10:34)? I ride a red bicycle, ".. a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword."(pen = mightiest sword)(Rev. 6:4) That's me! I work alone! "I have trodden the winepress alone; from the nations no one was with me. I trampled them in my anger and trod them down in my wrath; their blood spattered my garments, and I stained all my clothing. For the day of vengeance was in my heart, and the year of my redemption has come. I looked, but there was no one to help, I was appalled that no one gave support; so my own arm worked salvation for me and my own wrath sustained me. I trampled the nations in my anger; in my wrath I made them drunk and poured their blood on the ground." (Is. 63:3-6) "It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Hebrews 10:31) If anyone wants to know, I had no choice in this, for "... many are called, but few are chosen." (Mt.22:14) "Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?"(Is. 53:1) "By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked: Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear. They will say of me, "In the LORD alone are goodness and strength." All who have raged against him will come to him and be put to shame. But in the LORD all the descendants of Israel will be found righteous and will exult." (Is. 41:11; 45:23-25) Bobby Meade Israel Deaf Messenger 7/31/2010 (AS HAS BEEN THE NORM WITH ALL INTERACTIVE WEBSITES, I WAS BANNED FROM THIS BLOGCATALOG SHORTLY AFTER I WROTE THIS. THE COPROPHAGIC HOMOSEXUAL DEVIL WORSHIPPERS DOMINATE AND CONTROL EVERY ONE OF THESE SITES.) 10/1 Have been back on Facebook for several weeks as Bobby Meade. Was blocked from logging in repeatedly when they kept requesting my mobile phone #. Took forever to inform them that I had no phone. Think the mobile phone # is a ruse to "rub you out" in transit when you rub them the wrong way?

Nazi educational slogan from @ 1940: "Do not think! Let Hitler do your thinking for you!" Bob - "Fiddlesticks! Poppycock! Diddley-squat! Horse manure! "Trust in me! Can't you see? I'm the Pied Piper! Follow me! Can't you see? I'm the Pied Piper! And I'll show you where it's at!""

When God gets active, who can turn it back? (Is. 43:13)

"The time has come .... for destroying those who destroy the earth." (Rev. 11:18) From arsenic in the apples to oil in the Gulf, the Bush fools will stop at nothing to divert your attention from their perverted criminality; thus God says; "you will not join them in burial, for you have destroyed your land" (Is. 14:20) 8/6 Saw Laura Bush and her impish offspring on Oprah. Sounded like she was fabricating an idyllic childhood in Midland, Texas. She kept trying to emphasize that her husband, Dumb Boy had a drinking problem and that he wasn't brain-damaged from being left in the toilet too long. Brain-damaged coprophagists cannot drink alcohol much at all! How much was he drinking? Looks like her kid Barbara got her face lifted to wipe that impish look off it too. As for her kids being college graduates, find out what year they supposedly graduated and confirm that they are alumni of those institutions. I bet that they never even attended them. If Laura Bush wants to sell her story, it should reveal the truth about how such brainless people have managed to live so long.

7/16 Got an appointment with Nazi Mental Health on Monday where I go through the same endless interrogation. "How have you been sleeping?" "Fine. Would you like a piece of fish?" "Have you been mad at anyone?" "No. Would you like a piece of fish?" "Have you been hearing voices?" "No. Would you like a piece of fish?" 9/21 Got another appointment tomorrow where they will try to coax me into talking to them about all the sh*thead harassment that I have been enduring. Hasta manana, adios. 10/1 9/22 appt. was no go. They had sent me a notice, changing a 9/21 appt. to 9/22. I changed it, but threw the notice out, for it had no appt. card in it. (Yes! They search my garbage too!) Now I have another for 10/6. Another attempt to trifle with me, it seems, for the 9/22 appt. that I showed for was apparently canceled, and there was no one waiting to see her but me.


7/5 ..When I attended the funeral mass for Mom on the 25th, I sat in back because I had arrived a few minutes after it started. Then they saw me and called me to the front to give one of the gifts (wine?) to the priest. After that I sat up front where the brainless brood threw parasitic mites at me. This bioterrorism that arises from the Devil worshippers and their Synagogue of Satan is one of the main reasons that people stay away from churches and other gathering places; thus "all joy turns to gloom, all gaiety is banished from the earth. (Rev. 2:9; 3:9; Is. 24:11) 7/6 One can sense the presence of these microscopic mites, especially as they crawl over more sensitive areas of the body; however the mites have to be established on your body in order for them to affect you. If there are mite burrows in your nailbeds or in any other location on your body, the mites will sense that and migrate to that area. These mites are usually established via the bites or stings of other insects; i.e. those other insects serve as "vectors"; however they are not really vectors but enablers more or less, for they do not carry the mites. They just provide a "point of entry" to which future mites will migrate. FYI Napolean probably had no fingers because they would throw these mites on him wherever he went. 7/11 I suspect that the powers-that-be are making a big deal of sexual misconduct in the Catholic Church in order to conceal the presence of Devil worshippers from the Synagogue of Satan in the church and elsewhere. What they don't know is that most of the Catholics stay home and never go to church because they know that the church is full of Devil worshippers and their supporters who have repeatedly used toxic substances and the plagues that Moses used against the Egyptians in order to terrorize people (Exodus 8-11). (I have investigated the Plague of Gnats and found that those were blood-sucking lice that were about the size of a grain of sand. These mites are hundreds of times smaller; thus the Nazis claim that they are "invisible". It is apparently possible to produce such a small insect because its physiology is so simple, for all it does is eat flesh and generate burrows; i.e. it probably generates burrows with its excrement. The published accounts of these mites reveal that they infect people in a way that could only arise from the mites being thrown or broadcasted at the victims.) 8/21 Anyone who has to deal with a large number of mites being thrown at them, probably is at risk of losing fingers or toes due to infections that arise when proper aseptic procedures are not adhered to when removing the mite burrows from the nail beds and surrounding areas. "Let a cry be heard from their houses..."; i.e. that is the houses of anyone who has promoted the use of such insects on people. Show them what it feels like to lose fingers or toes and have them reveal everyone else who is involved in such practices. (Jer. 18:22; Is. 33:1) God knew a long time ago that this would happen, yet only the old KJV of the Bible seems to have the correct translation of Zechariah 13:6; "And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands?...". All other versions talk of wounds "between the arms" or "on the chest", etc. 8/26 The bedbug epidemic seems to have been created to conceal that the Bush Nazis are throwing parasitic mites everywhere. Having had bedbugs thrown in my apartments twice, all I can say is move like lightning to eradicate them and take all necessary steps to sanitize the place where they were found. Once established, the eggs live for several years; thus they keep coming back. 9/7 After murdering my Mom and desecrating her body by cremating it, they are now desecrating her grave by killing the grass that I have tried to establish. I have been trying to get the son of my mother's sister to obtain access and broadcast footage from the surveillance camera that was over the door to Mom's apartment or any other such cameras at that apartment complex. I told him to present himself as an incompetent stumblebum, questioning what these brainless people were up to and noting what I said was happening. The footage from these wireless cameras should be especially revealing as to what was going on there at night. I bet a number of people were watching and recording what was happening, including the police. At home I figured that probably 50-60 people from the building where I live have disappeared, for not supporting and/or participating in the continuous harassment of me with insects, toxic substances, etc. GHW Bush keeps telling them to keep it up, for I will go crazy like I did up at Cornell. I was being abducted by what GHW Bush calls his "coprophagic homosexual Cornell cops", thus I yelled pretty loud in order to alert the staff in the Day Hall Administration Bldg. from which I had just exited. The only reason that I survived was probably because I yelled. They've killed a lot of people up there and gotten away with it. Once they get you to Cayuga Medical Center on the west side of Cayuga Lake, you can yell all you want, and no one will be able to help you. Bush keeps telling them to say that I have a problem, but they don't know what it is. How do they know I have a problem? Or I have to prove to them who I am. You can't prove anything to sh*theads, but they would love to use that as an excuse to kill you. "Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs than a fool in his folly." (Prov. 17:12) 9/21 Have several sores on my body from where I was apparently struck by mites from an air rifle or something like that; thus I am digging a lot more burrows than usual out of the same sites. They have also set things up so that Sulfur is not available anywhere except Agway as expensive slow-release pellets. Only sh*theads can get the powdered elemental form that used to be available. 9/22 They've been dumping tons of cyanide chemicals on me everywhere I go for the past week. GHW Bush says that the ones who are telling them to do this are the ones who have had their hearts destroyed by cyanide. 9/23 I suspect that they are spraying a form of cyanide on my clothes and in my apartment that vaporizes and forms cyanic gas as does the "blue stuff" made from blueprint paper that I have described in my writings. "Oh Mommy! My heart! I'm coming to join you!"


A Temple for My Mom's LORD

Mom glorifying God's creation yesterday, today, and forever. (Ps. 10:7) "...the day I am glorified will be a memorable day for them, declares the Sovereign LORD. (Ez. 39:13) 9/26 By decree, a Temple for the LORD of Israel. "What is His name, and the name of His son? Tell me if you know!"(Prov. 30:4)

Introduction: My Mom, Mother of Israel Sat, 04/07/19-5/08/2010 — "STUDY WAR NO MORE!"

"The saddest thing under the sun above
Is saying goodbye to the ones you love!" Melanie Safka

Today (4/7/10) is my Mom's 91st birthday. She has been a "rock" to those who have believed in her for her entire life. She has been a mother of seven, a teacher of thousands, a world traveler, and much more. Now she is about to enter His rest under the altar with her cherished husband, Thomas to await the coming of the Kingdom created by Israel, their sixth child, Robert. Those who were once not a people, are now God's people, Israel, a holy nation! "Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; He will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." (Rev. 6:9, 7:16-17) "And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken. A voice says, "Cry out." And I said, "What shall I cry?" "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows on them. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever." (Is. 40:5-8) The WORD! "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. ... From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another." (John 1:1-5.....16) " people, will know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves and bring you up from them." (Ez. 37:13, Is. 26:19) "They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection." (Rev. 20:4-6) "You will live in the land I gave your forefathers; you will be my people, and I will be your God." (Ez. 36:24-27) From my Mom comes a Kingdom that will soon encompass the entire earth, a Kingdom that will not be shaken for time indefinite. (Hebrews 12:28) So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who trusts will never be dismayed." (Is. 28:16) "They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." (Micah 4:3) "If any of the peoples of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD Almighty, they will have no rain." (Zech. 14:17) Peace Mom! Over and out. Love, Bobby

Israel, Deaf Messenger, Servant of Rulers, King of the Road, Rider on the Red Horse, Witness #2, The Concerned Canadian, Bobby Meade

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know. This has Bobby's blog listed in it! You weren't supposed to be reading it anyway! What do you know about Bobby's blog? I'm gonna tell everyone you been talking about Bobby's blog!"

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THE DECREE THAT BUILDS THE TEMPLE: "Let its foundations be laid." 9/26

HOW GOD IS GOING TO GET THAT TEMPLE BUILT: A few days before Mom died, I explained to her what God was doing to ensure that the Temple gets built in Jerusalem so that "the peoples" can go there to worship the LORD Almighty. I told her that @ 1971 when Mary Petkash's head ended up on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale, a man named Chairman Gonzales, i.e. Abimael Guzman of the Shining Path Guerillas, which the Wash. Post revealed was a violent homosexual organization, showed up on Pine Crest campus where I was attending prep school. Now I don't know whether Shining Path is a violent homosexual organization, reformed homosexuals, or what, but heads keep showing up wherever Abimael Guzman goes; thus the SPIRIT made known that Abimael Guzman was CYRUS: "This is what the LORD says to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."(Is. 45:1-3) "This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD, Who has made all things, Who alone stretched out the heavens, Who spread out the earth by Myself, Who foils the signs of false prophets and makes fools of diviners, Who overthrows the learning of the wise and turns it into nonsense, Who carries out the words of His servants and fulfills the predictions of His messengers, Who says of Jerusalem, "It shall be inhabited," of the towns of Judah, "They shall be built," and of their ruins, "I will restore them,"..." (Is. 44:24-28) As a result of this, I explained to Mom that Abimael Guzman and company have been in the mountains of Israel, which are the Appalachin Mountains, ever since I revealed this information in Sendero Luminosa and the Salvation of Israel - 10/20/2009 (see my blog). Wherever they go, Cyrus announces; "The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and He has appointed me to build a temple for Him at Jerusalem in Judah. Anyone of His people among you—may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD, the God of Israel, the God Who is in Jerusalem. And the people of any place where survivors may now be living are to provide him with silver and gold, with goods and livestock, and with freewill offerings for the temple of God in Jerusalem."(Ezra 1:2-4) The LORD also says, "Cyrus, he is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, "Thou shalt be built"; and to the temple, "Thy foundation shall be laid.""(Is. 44:28) By making these announcements in selected locations, Cyrus has ended up with the heads of numerous important people who he claims died while trying to get that Temple built; thus Cyrus is also probably an associate of the Israelite tribe of Gad, and Gad will come "...with the heads of the people, he executed the justice of the LORD, and His judgments with Israel."(Deut. 33:21) With these heads they will launch an expedition that builds the Temple and takes the glory and the salvation of Israel to the ends of the earth.(Is. 49:6) When God gets active, who can turn it back? (Is. 43:13) Mom laughed and laughed at this information.

SUMMERTIME ON THE FARM by Marion Meade @ 1999

My family owned a farm in Pennsylvania near the Delaware River where it forms the boundary between New York and Pennsylvania. (Atco, PA @ one mile from Narrowsburg, NY) My father planted fields of potatoes, cabbage, and kale. He raised chickens and shipped the eggs to a retailer in New York City. He sold some of the chickens to a wholesaler. My mother planted and tended the vegetable garden, which included an asparugus bed and a strawberry patch. My sister and I had the job of helping with the weeding, watering when necessary, sometimes picking the strawberries. During the summer when school was not in session, my cousins who lived in NYC spent July and August with us. Their parents would drive up on weekends to visit. Our favorite pastime was to spend the afternoon swimming. My girlfriend's grandparents owned the land part of the way around the lake, which included a small sandy beach. The water was clear, and the bottom near shore was sandy. In one tiny area near shore, we found and picked up small quartz crystals. We ate blueberries from bushes that grew along the shore. It was a sad time when summer vacation came to an end, and my cousins went back to the city. As children, we didn't think that it was unusual to spend the summer on walks through the fields and woods and to go swimming every day. There were always some rainy days, but it seems that the weather was consistent --- warm and sunny all summer long.

A RAIN "DANCE"!? 9/18 - The Lord says, "I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another. One field had rain; another had none and dried up"(Amos 4:7) Do you wonder why? "You heavens above, rain down righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let goodness grow with it; I, the LORD, have created it." (Is. 45:8) That's what happens when you heed God's words so never forget that God has given "...the beast their power to rule, until God's words are fulfilled"; thus when you fulfill God's words, you will "..set matters straight in mighty nations near and far."(Rev. 17:17; Mic. 4:3) Also you will release storehouses of surging waters with which He is forming your hearts all together.(Pslam 33:8,15) "Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God."(3 John 1:11) "The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."(1 John 2:17) May these works and words of this blog be a "...a banner for the distant nations" (Is. 5:26) "...and a small cloud passes overhead and cries down on the flower bed that "Mommy" loved....."



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