LOCAL Announcement :: Peace
Statement of the Oct. 16th Midwest Regional Mobilization for Peace and Justice on the Oct. 2 One Nation Rally
The Midwest Regional Mobilization for Peace & Justice endorses the October 2 One Nation rally in Washington D.C. to demand jobs and economic relief from the deepening recession.
Although the lead organizers of the Oct. 2 rally will attempt to use it to promote Democratic candidates in the November elections, most members of community organizations, peace and justice groups, and labor unions will not be there for that purpose. This rank-and-file presence in DC will be a welcome counter-force to the failed promote-the-Democrats strategy of the rally organizers.
U.S. Labor Against the War has pointed out in its call to build the Oct. 2 One Nation rally that:
"The trillion dollar wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have robbed our communities of desperately needed resources… As the economy falters, it is time to change course…"
We also call for an end of U.S. aid to Israel and an end to the Israel blockade of Gaza.
These are messages which the Democratic Party will not want to hear, and these messages should be made loud and clear on Oct. 2.
We do not agree with the strategy of the Oct. 2 organizers seeking to re-elect Democrats this year who view the Democratic Party as a vehicle to end these wars.
For the Oct. 2 rally, we, along with many other participating organizations opposed to the war policies of the Democrats and Republicans, will raise our slogans:
END the Wars & Occupations NOW!
Money for Human Needs, Not Corporate Greed!
Midwest Regional Mobilization for Peace & Justice / CCAWR@aol.com / www.ChicagoMassAction.org