LOCAL News :: Gender & Sexuality
CHANGED Time, Date and Place for the Protest vs. AFTAH
The opening banquet / lecture that was to have kicked off the anti-gay "academy" of "Americans For Truth About Homosexuality" (AFTAH) has apparently been canceled.
All references to the banquet, originally scheduled for Wednesday, August 4th at the AFTAH headquarters in Carol Stream, have been removed from the AFTAH website.

The anti-gay "academy," scheduled to begin August 5th, will now be the target of our protest. We are changing the time, date & location of our protest to 7:30 PM sharp, Thursday, August 5 in front of the Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, to coincide with the "Special Thursday evening presentation" that AFTAH is holding on the first day of their "academy."
For those of you traveling with us from Chicago to the protest, we will be meeting at 6 PM sharp, Thursday, August 5th in front of the Ogilvie Transportation Center, 500 W. Monroe Street, Chicago, to take the Metra train to the protest – just look for the rainbow flag!
As many people had made arrangements to attend our protest at the old date / place / time, please spread the word about the new info for the protest!
The Facebook event URL is:
For more information, email the Gay Liberation Network at LGBTliberation@aol.com