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LOCAL News :: Prisons

Midwest G20 Solidarity

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Last month thousands took the streets of Toronto in opposition to the G20 and the Canadian state. Although nearly a billion dollars was spent to secure the territory around the summit, attacks on capital and the state were successfully carried out, with banks and shops vandalized and looted and a number of police cars set ablaze. At the very least this was incredibly embarrassing for the security apparatus. Although the police attempted to be everywhere at once and although we experience repression at every instant, especially in such situations, many who were in Toronto were able to find spaces in which to demonstrate their hatred and refusal of the conditions maintained by the G20 and its defenders.

While we celebrate these victories we recognize that such actions are always followed by continued and intensified repression. Over one thousand people were arrested during the mobilizations. On Monday in Chicago, we demonstrated our rage against the persecution suffered by our comrades in Toronto, the rest of Ontario, and Quebec. Not only are more than 200 people still facing serious charges based on street arrests, but 17 are charged with conspiracy, allegedly for organizing the demonstrations, and three people are being railroaded for a solidarity attack on a Royal Canadian Bank in Ottawa. Finally, police have released a high-profile list of 22 most wanted rioters" based on terrifying high-tech means of identification.

In Bloomington, Indiana, there was a movie screening at the Anarchists/Haunt Theatre of “Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance”, as well as screening some footage from the mobilization to raise funds for the defense, and enjoy a movie and discussion together.

Total solidarity with the G20 Arrestees!



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