LOCAL Announcement :: Gender & Sexuality
August 4: PROTEST v. Teaching Kids to Hate Gays
Beginning August 4th a group which calls itself Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is organizing what they call an "academy" to "train young people (as well as older pro-family advocates) how to answer 'gay' activist misinformation and fight the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda."

AFTAH has a long history of telling lies about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people and recently was designated a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. AFTAH's literature about their forthcoming "academy" calls the LGBT rights movement "destructive to America" and invites people to donate money to fund scholarships for people as young as 14-years-old to attend.
Youth should not be taught to hate their peers and thus fuel the cycle of self-loathing, depression and suicide which too many LGBTQ youth experience. Bigotry must be vocally and publicly opposed, especially when haters try to recruit young people.
In difficult economic times, the message of hating any minority is especially dangerous and must be forthrightly opposed.
Please join us in a protest against the opening "lecture-banquet" of the AFTAH event at 5:30 PM, Wednesday, August 4 at the AFTAH headquarters, 25W560 Geneva Road, Carol Stream, IL. For those traveling from Chicago, we will be meeting in front of the Ogilvie Transportation Center, 500 W. Madison Street at 3:45 PM sharp.
The protest is co-sponsored by the Gay Liberation Network, DuPage NOW, Woodstock/McHenry County PFLAG and La Voz de los de Abajo.
For more information, email LGBTliberation@aol.com
Help promote the protest by visiting our Facebook event for it and use it to invite your friends and acquaintances: