LOCAL Announcement :: Environment
Protest BP's disaster in the Gulf!
Not only is BP destroying the Gulf, but it's transporting dirty tar sands for refining on the shores of Lake Michigan as well. What happened? How did BP shift from being the "cleaner" of the energy companies, to *this*?
It's time we start asking the hard questions and demanding real answers:
* Why were federal regulations ignored? And who in government allowed this?
* People died on the Deepwater Horizon rig. BP and the regulators knew regulations were ignored. Why aren’t people in jail for this?
* Will those people who lose their livelihood in the Gulf be fully compensated for a lifetime of loss?
Join us to show your outrage at the lack of federal regulation and corporate responsibility that allowed this tragedy to happen! Let’s open a discussion about the local issues this disaster raises, from the pollution of coal-fired power plants in Pilsen and environmental racism, to the tar sands brought to the shores of Lake Michigan, to organizing around the Clean Power Ordinance. We invite everyone to come and voice your concerns and share ideas for action.
We demand:
* Begin aggressive and full enforcement of government regulations on all energy companies
* Stop all offshore drilling until we know it is safe
* Hold fully accountable all those who damage our environment
* Stop piping or shipping of tar sands into, through or near the Great Lakes -- 20% of the Planet’s surface fresh water, and drinking supply of tens of millions of people!
* Immediate and full compensation for all parties affected by the Gulf leak -- we will not tolerate another Katrina response!