LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous
Benefit Craft Fair! Saturday, June 19th
Benefit Craft Fair!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
2:30pm - 7:00pm
Rumble Arts Center
3413 West North Avenue
Come out to a craft fair to benefit the Wildfire Collective and help us raise funds to open a radical community space in Logan Square!
Benefit Craft Fair!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
2:30pm - 7:00pm
Rumble Arts Center
3413 West North Avenue
Come out to a craft fair to benefit the Wildfire Collective and help us raise funds to open a radical community space in Logan Square!
Workshops and crafters and food, oh my!
Support Local crafters!
Local crafters will be on hand to sell you amazing homemade items.
Eat Yummy Food!
Delicious vegan baked goods and ice cream will be available to satisfy your sweet tooth.
A series of workshops throughout the day can show you how you can start making your own arts and crafts!
A few tables are still available, and we will be accepting donations up until the day of the event. If you would like to be a part of this event, please e-mail us at
info (at) wildfirechicago.net.
For more info on the Wildfire Collective and how to get involved, visit our website: