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WORKERS' REPUBLIC documentary, June 5, UE Hall

Documentary film about Republic Windows factory sit-in plans Chicago premiere
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Filmmaker, Andrew Friend, 312-316-4458, videoinsurgent [at]
United Electrical (UE), Leah Fried, 312-829-8300, leahfried [at]

EVENT: June 5, 2010, 7 p.m. U.E. Hall, 37 S. Ashland, Chicago, IL

CHICAGO - In December 2008, over 200 factory workers staged a six day sit-in at their closing workplace to demand the severance their employer owed them. The event became a symbol of the massive job losses in the opening months of the recession. A new documentary film tells the full story of this action that harkened back to classic factory sit-ins of the Great Depression.

"Workers' Republic" is an independent film by Chicago filmmaker Andrew Friend. The movie has its Chicago premiere on June 5. It documents the efforts of the workers themselves and the organizers in the union that represented them, the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers (U. E.).

Chicago company Republic Windows and Doors gave its employees three days' notice that the factory would be closing. They said there would be no accrued vacation pay and no severance for these workers facing unemployment in a recession.

The UE cited the federal WARN act, which mandates 60-days' notice of plant closings or layoffs, or 60-days' severance pay, as the justification for the sit-in. The occupation of Republic made news around the globe, with even then-President-Elect Barack Obama voicing support.

The Bank of America played a significant role in the story, as they were the creditor who had cut off money to Republic, shortly after receiving $25 billion in federal bailout money. Republic CEO Rich Gillman was later arrested and charged with fraud for looting the bankrupt company.

Friend, a union videographer and social justice activist in Chicago, is chairperson of the organization that produces Labor Beat, a rank-and-file TV show covering strikes, protests, and other aspects of working class struggle ( "Workers' Republic" portrays many angles of the Republic workplace sit-in. He utilized dozens of the photos taken on the inside by the union, and followed the story through to its conclusion months later when a new owner bought the factory.

Sunnyvale, CA-based Serious Materials now operates the Goose Island facility. Several workers involved in the sit-in have returned to work there, although many factors have prevented the plant from resuming full production.

Friend presented the film at the 32nd Big Muddy Film Festival, where it won the John Michaels Human Rights Film Award. The film does not yet have a distribution deal.

"Workers' Republic" has its Chicago debut at the U.E. Hall (37 S. Ashland) on June 5, 2010, at 7 pm. Media screeners of the film are available by contacting the filmmaker.
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Photo: Abe Mwaura, U.E.



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