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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Media : Prisons : Protest Activity

May 24: Take A Stand Against Torture at Jon Burge Trial

Jail Cops Who Torture! Retrials for Their Victims! Cut Their Pensions!

Take A Stand Against Torture on May 24th, 2010*
@ Daley Plaza (55 W Randolph St) 8:30-10AM
*Trial date may change. Visit for more info.
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Over 20 years of terror, Police Cdr. Jon Burge and his “Midnight Crew” tortured 200+ Latino and African American men and their children to obtain confessions. 20 of these victims are still incarcerated, hoping to be re-tried. Burge has been evading justice since ‘93 and the City of Chicago has spent over $10 MILLION in taxpayer dollars paying for his defense even after the Police Department Review Board ruled that he was guilty of using torture!

* If you would like to endorse this call for JUSTICE, please contact the Jail Jon Burge Committee by calling 312-772-2COP or or emailing contact (at)

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Jail Jon Burge Committee Calls for Justice on May 24 

April 8, 2010 Chicago, IL

Taking a stand against torture, the Jail Jon Burge Committee urges the residents of Illinois to join in a cry for justice from 8:30 to 10:00am on May 24, 2010.  The event will signal the commencement of the trial of former Chicago Police Department Commander Jon Burge, accused of perjury and obstruction of justice during a civil suit related to torture. 

The event will feature appearances by victims who were tortured during Jon Burge’s tenure as commander, as well as their families.  Speakers will include Mark Clements, Marvin Reaves and Nick Escamilla, who are all victims of Burge’s torture regime.  Attorney Flint Taylor, renowned advocate for police torture victims, and 21st Ward Alderman Howard Brookins, fierce public advocate, will also appear. 

The group has three demands, which include new trials by all who have alleged they have experienced police torture; cessation of pensions of all those who engaged in torture, as identified by the Special Prosecutor’s review; and indictment, trial, and imprisonment for all those found guilty of perjury related to their role in torture.   United with organizations across Chicago, the Committee will advocate on behalf of these victims, their families, and Chicago taxpayers, who continue to bear the financial burden of Burge’s defense costs. 

In 1993, the Police Department Review Board determined that Jon Burge had used torture to obtain confessions between the years of 1972 and 1991, torturing an alleged 200 African American and Latino suspects.  Following an investigation by a special prosecutor that concluded in 2006, Burge was found to have committed torture in multiple instances. Due to the statute of limitations on torture crimes, however, Jon Burge and his “Midnight Crew” were never indicted for their offenses.  The trial of Burge for perjury and obstruction of justice related to the special prosecutor’s investigation marks the first time that Burge will be held accountable for even a fraction of the crimes that he has committed.   
The Committee urges all interested and concerned parties to join them in their cry for justice at the May 24 Event.  Groups wishing to endorse the event should contact the Committee by calling 312-939-2750 or by emailing contact (at)

# # # 

The Jail Jon Burge Committee is a coalition of community based organizations taking a stand against torture of suspects by Chicago Police that worked under former Police Commander Jon Burge, seeking justice for police torture victims, and raising awareness to prevent such crimes in the future.  

Organizations endorsing the May 24 Call for Justice include the 8th Day Center for Justice, Amnesty International, the Campaign to End the Death Penalty, the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights, Chicago Copwatch, Chicago Justice Initiative, Illinois Coalition Against Torture, International Socialist Organization, Kairos Chicago, the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, Tamms Year Ten, and Witness Against Torture.   

Mark A. Clements
Jail Jon Burge Committee
mark (at)



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