The Draft Perspectives is the Marxist-Humanist standpoint that guides our actions and organization for the next year. We publish it in the paper and hold open meetings on it to encourage the widest possible discussion. A revolutionary organization can no longer allow any separation between philosophy and revolution, workers and intellectuals, “inside” and “outside.” This year’s draft takes up:
I. Alienated labor in today’s struggles
A. Labor battles from mine to schoolroom
B. Crisis rooted in production
C. Healthcare battles reveal the menace from the Right
D. Labor internationally: revolt from Greece to China
II. Development: capitalist accumulation or revolution?
A. Haiti after the quake
B. The great land grab
III. War and revolution
A. Afghan war and Kyrgyz revolt
B. Nuclear threat remains
C. Iran’s freedom movement in crosshairs of counter-revolution
IV. Philosophy as a force of revolution
V. Marxist-Humanist Tasks for 2010-11
Speaker: Bob McGuire, activist and author of “China’s rulers play nationalist card as mass unrest grows”
See the Draft Perspectives in its entirety at
DATE: Monday, May 10
TIME: 6:30 PM
PLACE: News & Letters Library
News and Letters Committees
228 S. Wabash #230
Chicago, IL 60604
arise (at)