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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Labor

May Day with Tom Morello and the One Big Union!

All proceeds go to benefit the Industrial Workers of the World
Celebrate May Day with Tom Morello and the One Big Union!

Friday, April 30, 2010
Doors: 8:00pm
Bottom Lounge
1375 W. Lake St
Chicago, IL
Ages 17 +
Buy Tickets:

All proceeds go to benefit the Industrial Workers of the World


THE NIGHTWATCHMAN (featuring Tom Morello of Rage Against The Machine)

Morello proves himself an authoritative storyteller and deft songwriter by abandoning his soapbox and joining the struggle of the beleaguered underdogs he champions as they cope with war, poverty, oppression and constant assaults on their dignity.


Hailing from oakwood forests and tallgrass prairies of the Midwest, The Rust Belt Ramblers are redefining the sound of American Music. From ‘Cow-Punk’ to ‘Blackgrass’, people have tried to pigeonhole this group’s whisky-drenched sound into many different genres, but one thing is certain; they know to make crowds holler, stomp, and swing through their melodic tales of struggle and romance.


Folksinger, writer, rocker, scholar, labor songster, alt-country twanger. “The living heir of Woody Guthrie . . . Halker reaches into his strings and conjures up the passionate fire of John Steinbeck.” (Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz, Germany)

ABOUT THE ONE BIG UNION; The Industrial Workers of the World (

The IWW is a member-run union open to all workers dedicated to organizing on the job, in their industries, and in their communities. Also known as the Wobblies, the IWW has once again found itself on the cutting edge of the labor movement, winning demands for Starbucks Workers, bike messengers, truck drivers, construction workers, and beyond.

Founded in 1905, the IWW's International Headquarters has, after 20 years elsewhere, returned to the city of its birth and is proud to be celebrating its first May Day back in Chicago with IWW member, Tom Morello.

This historic event is not to be missed!



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