LOCAL Announcement :: Labor
Annual Louie Lingg League Anarchist May Day Picnic Sun. May 2
I despise you. I despise your order, your laws, your force propped authority. Hang me for it!
Louie Lingg
Annual Anarchist May Day Picnic
Sunday May 2 noon-4:30 (When gate is locked)
Haymarket Martyrs Monument
Forest Home Cemetary
700 S DesPlaines, Forest Park
Last stop on Blue Line, 3 blocks south
If you are a member of the propertied class, you can crawl out of anything you want to, for law is for sale; that is to say, whoever can purchase the lawyers, stock the jury and bribe the court can win. There is only one law for the poor, to wit: Obey the Rich.
Albert Parsons
"Hurrah for Anarchy" Adolph Fischer
"Hurrah for Anarchy" George Engel
Last words of Haymarket Anarchists Nov. 11, 1887
Let every dirty, losy tramp arm
himself with a revolver or knife and
lay in wait on the steps of the palaces
of the rich and stab or shoot the owners
as they come out. Let us kill them without
mercy, and let it be a war of extermination
without pity.
Lucy Parsons 1885