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Checking the Vital Signs--Healthcare Crisis in Illinois: next Labor Beat

Cablecast info for Chicago and Evanston. Starts Thurs. March 18
Quentin Young Panel.jpg
Panel discussion - Checking the Vital Signs
(L to R) Brenda Langford, Steve Edwards, Dr. Quentin Young, Wayne Heimbach
Photo: Labor Beat
Checking the Vital Signs - Healthcare Crisis in Illinois

On CAN TV Chicago cable tv Channel 19:
Thurs., March 18, 9:30 pm
Fri., March 19, 4:30 pm
Thurs., March 25, 9:30 pm
Fri., March 26, 4:30 pm

On Evanston Cable Channel 6:
Mon., March 29, 5:30 pm
Wed., March 31, 9:00 pm
Sat., April 3, 12:30 am
Mon., April 5, 5:30 pm
Wed. April 7, 9:00 pm
Sat., April 10, 12:30 am

This fifth show in the Labor Beat series Healthcare Crisis in Illinois continues to examine the disparity in the delivery of healthcare in Illinois (and the nation) and how we can reform this broken system. Labor Beat host Wayne Heimbach invites comments from a powerful panel of labor movement healthcare activists. The discussion takes place in the midst of the current legislative dead-end in Congress over healthcare "reform". Members of the panel are: Dr. Quentin Young, National Coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Program; Brenda Langford, President, NNOC/NNU Region 13, and Vice President, National Nurses United; Steve Edwards, President of AFSCME Local 2858, and member of Socialist Alternative.

"Polls show today that two-thirds of Americans are for a government-sponsored Medicare-like program," Dr. Young offered. And "59 percent of US doctors, a very conservative group, support a government-sponsored, tax-based" program. Regarding the class nature of how things are going, he explained that "the reduction in services, the closing of facilities are pointed to people at the bottom of the ladder, and at the same time luxury hospitals are still being built in the city and in this country." Considering the obstacles faced by advocates of a single payer, government-administered movement,the next step should be: "People on the street," Steve Edwards answered. "Within the NNU," Brenda Langford added, "we are aggressively working at organizing the RNs across the country...and we're promoting the single payer health program."

Produced by Labor Beat. Labor Beat is a CAN TV Community Partner. Labor Beat is a non-profit 501(c)(3) member of IBEW 1220. Views are those of the producer Labor Beat. For info: mail (at), 312-226-3330. For other Labor Beat videos, visit Google Video, YouTube, or and search "Labor Beat".

(Put title of DVD, "Checking the Vital Signs" in Description box. Put $15 in Unit Price box.)




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