LOCAL Announcement :: Media : Protest Activity
Tonight at 8 PM - Talking About the War
Tune in tonight at 8:00 pm on CAN-TV, Channel 21 in Chicago to hear anti-war activists E Wilson and Magda Castaneda.
Wilson and Castenada will discuss the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and their devastating impact not only on those countries, but on Chicago communities starved of funding for basic human needs.
Wilson and Castenada are part of a coalition of 80+ groups organizing a big demonstration on the 7th anniversary of the illegal United States invasion of Afghanistan.
The protest will begin with a short rally at 5:30 PM, Thursday, March 18 at Federal Plaza (corner of Dearborn & Adams Streets, Chicago) followed by a march on Michigan Avenue. For more information about this and other actions going on through the course of the year, go to the
www.facebook.com/l/7711c;www.ChicagoMassAction.org website or email
CCAWR (at) aol.com
If you would like to help publicize the protest, please join our Facebook Event for the protest and invite your friends to it! --
Thank you!