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Iraq Under Siege

The case against the U.S.'s pending war against Iraq
Iraq Under Siege: The Case Against U.S. Intervention
Featuring Sharon Smith--contributing author to South End Press' Iraq Under Siege
7pm Thursday March 21 at the Unitarian Church of Hyde Park on 5650 S. Woodlawn Ave.
(enter on north side of church)

Bush has announced that the U.S. is moving into stage two of the so-called "war on terror" and that will definetely include a massive attack on Iraq. The U.S. has announced plans to amass 250,000 troops for an invasion of Iraq which has already been devestated by 10 years of genocidal sanctions resulting in the deaths of more than 1 million Iraqi civilians, including 500,000 children. Come to a meeting to find out why and how the U.S. plans further destruction in Iraq and what we can do about it in this country.

Sharon Smith was the national coordinator of the signature ad campaign to end sanctions which resulted in a full page ad placed in the New York Times.

This meeting is sponsored by the International Socialist Organization. For more information please call 312.458.9920 or visit our website at



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