Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Commentary :: Protest Activity

Say "No" To Daley

Daley's words of support for activists ring hollow. We should not at the drop of a hat run to congratulate him even in jest.
I am concerned that the M20 Mobilization committee not lean too heavily on the strategy of highlighting Mayor Daley and his new-found anti-war posture. We must remember he is a politician. And so far all that he has given the antiwar movement is less than crumbs. His verbiage must be taken with a grain of salt. The knee-jerk leap to shedding favorable light on Daley, i.e., placing him center stage or even close to it in our struggle to end US. imperialism is wrong. It is dangerous to lend our name, our movement to a politician who is perceived, and rightly so, as a gangster, a racist, anti-gay, pro-corporate and the behind-the-scenes mover and shaker of the John Burge torture ring that destroyed the lives of countless African-Americans and terrorizing Chicago's south and west sides.

Rather, I am hoping M20 Mobilization will recognize as heroes the countless "little" activists of our movement who are out there on the streets every week braving the elements,. passing out their flyers, displaying their banners and placards, voicing their concerns in loud, spirited chants and interacting with passersby. Let's put them on stage. Let them carrying the torch of liberation and peace down the Michigan Avenues of the world on March 18th.

- Craig Teichen



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