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Rally for Mass Transit, Public Sector march- Next Labor Beat

Chicago and Evanston cablecast info - Starts Feb. 18
cta_J_20_10 Debbie Pittman_s.jpg
Debbie Pittman, Concerned Citizens of Paratransit, speaks at rally
Photo: Andrew Freund/Labor Beat
PWU_City Hall_s.jpg
PWU March passes by Chicago City Hall on MLK Day, 2010
Photo: Labor Beat
Rally for Mass Transit
A two-part show

On CAN TV Chicago cable tv Channel 19:
Thurs., Feb. 18, 9:30 pm
Fri., Feb. 19, 4:30 pm
Thurs., Feb. 25, 9:30 pm
Fri., Feb. 26, 4:30 pm

On Evanston Cable Channel 6:
Mon., March 1, 5:30 pm
Wed., March 3, 9:00 pm
Sat., March 6, 12:30 am
Mon., March 8, 5:30 pm
Wed. March 10, 9:00 pm
Sat., March 13, 12:30 am

1. Rally for Mass Transit
Chicago Transit Authority union members and CTA transit users protested in front of the CTA headquarters on Wednesday, January 20. The ongoing and future threatened cuts by the CTA management will double wait times for bus riders, cut service to low income/minority areas, overcrowd buses and trains, to mention only a few serious effects. Speeches and interviews from Marcellus Barnes, International VP, Amalgamated Transit Union; Debbie Pittman, Concerned Citizens of Paratransit; Carlos Acevedo, Asst. Business Agent, ATU Local 241; Michael Simmons, Recording Sec., ATU Local 241; Diane Simons, ATU 241 member.

2. Public Workers Unite MLK Demo
A coalition of public workers targeted several locations in Chicago's Loop to dramatize the areas of the public sector that are being dismantled by corporation-controlled government. To commemorate Martin Luther King day, on Jan. 18, 2010, Public Workers Unite began at Chicago Transit Authority headquarters, then marched to Boeing headquarters, then on to Chicago Public Schools headquarters, and ended up at the State of Illinois Building. Speaking are.: Earl Silbar, Public Workers Unite; Carlos Acevedo, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 241; Mike Pitula, Little Village Environmental Justice Organization; Gwen Johnson, former CTA bus driver; Erek Slater, CTA Bus Driver; Andy Thayer, Gay Liberation Network; Joleen Kirschenman, Public Workers Unite; Rosita Chatonda, Caucus of Rank and File Educators (CORE); Kurt Hilgendorf, CORE; Jackson Potter, CORE; Bunny Johnson, Public Workers Unite, member AFSCME 2858. For more information on Public Workers Unite:

Produced by Labor Beat. Labor Beat is a CAN TV Community Partner. Labor Beat is a non-profit 501(c)(3) member of IBEW 1220. Views are those of the producer Labor Beat. For info: mail (at), 312-226-3330. For other Labor Beat videos, visit Google Video, YouTube, or and search "Labor Beat".


(Put title of DVD, "Rally for Mass Transit" in Description box. Put $15 in Unit Price box.)




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