LOCAL News :: Peace
Call to endorse Big Anti-War March on the 7th anniversary of the Iraq Invasion
End the Wars and Occupations Now!
Fund People's Needs, Not Corporate Greed
ENDLESS WAR: Seven years ago, the US invaded Iraq — a war that continues with no end in sight. In December, President Obama began to escalate the war in Afghanistan — when only 100 Al Qaeda members remain in that country.

Scheduled Iraq troop withdrawals still leave thousands of contractors and mercenaries behind as occupiers. In the face of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the US continues to finance Israel's war on Palestine.
Now, the Obama administration has introduced a budget that includes the largest amount for "defense" spending ever — while freezing domestic spending for human needs. There is no health care bill, no action on climate change. All Washington can agree on is to feed our tax money to big banks and an endless war.
Politicians' excuses for these failures have ranged from blaming immigrants and other working people to scaring us with "terrorist" threats. These same politicians will not end the violence until we force them to. With rampant job losses and cutbacks in social services, it's time now more than ever to oppose costly wars that rob precious public resources from housing, healthcare, education, and a host of other public needs.
Join us — and thousands throughout this nation to mark the grim anniversary of seven years in Iraq.
End the Wars and Occupations Now!
Fund People's Needs, Not Corporate Greed
March 18: 5:30 PM, short rally at Federal Plaza (corner of Adams and Dearborn Streets), followed by permitted march on Michigan Avenue. And join us in mobilizing for a united march on Washington, DC on Saturday, March 20th. Buses available from Chicago. Info: CCAWR@aol.com / www.ChicagoMassAction.org
If your group would like to co-sponsor Chicago's big anti-war march on the 7th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, please email CCAWR@aol.com with your name, telephone number, and the name of the group as you would like it listed.
Here is what we ask of co-sponsoring organizations:
1) Electronic Publicity. Publicize the action via your website, email lists, and Facebook and Twitter accounts.
2) Poster Distribution. We ask that each co-sponsoring organization take responsibility for circulating posters and handbills in a specific area of the city or suburbs. Please email that information to CCAWR@aol.com so that we don’t duplicate efforts.
Union printed posters and handbills in English and other languages will be available in the next few days, and the coalition website, www.chicagomassaction.org, will have downloadable pdfs.
3) Financial support. The suggested donation for groups co-sponsoring this year's event is $35 (more if you can). However, we do not want to make financial resources a barrier to participation, so groups can give less if they must. Here's how to make a contribution:
a) Make a check payable to "8th Day Center for Justice";
b) Write "March 18th" in the memo section of your check;
c) Mail it to:
4404 N Magnolia Ave, Ste 420
Chicago, IL 60640
We invite you to participate in the next organizing meeting of the coalition:
3 PM – 5 PM
Sunday, February 21
At the office of the 8th Day Center For Justice
205 W Monroe Street, 5th floor (wheelchair accessible)
Due to security arrangements for the building, please do not arrive before 2:45 PM or later than 3:15 PM. If you absolutely must arrive after 3:15 PM, you will need to call someone to be let into the building.
Here is our current list of co-sponsers:
8th Day Center for Justice
Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice
American Friends Service Committee
ANSWER Chicago
Aurora Peace & Justice
Brother Joe
Chicago 911 Truth
Chicago Area CodePINK
Chicago Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation
Chicago Chapter, World Can't Wait
Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism
Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights
Chicago Labor Against the War
Chicago Media Action
Chicago Solidarity
Chicagoans Against Apartheid in Palestine (CAAP)
Chicagoans Against War and Injustice (CAWI)
Christian Peacemaker Teams - Chicago
Comité Anti-Militarización (CAMI)
Committee on Philippine Issues
Cook County Green Party
DeKalb Interfaith Network for Peace and Justice
DuPage Green Party
Friends of Leon Berger
Gay Liberation Network
Hyde Parkers for Peace and Justice (HPPJ)
Illinois Green Party
Industrial Workers of the World Chicago GMB
International Socialist Organization
International Solidarity Movement - Chicago
Labor Beat / Labor Express
Logan Square Neighbors for Justice and Peace
Near West Citizens for Peace & Justice
Neighbors for Peace
News & Letters
Nicaragua Solidarity Alliance for Global Justice
North Shore Coalition for Peace Justice and the Environment
North Suburban Peace Initiative
Northwest Suburban Peace & Education Project
Oak Park Coalition for Peace and Justice
Palestine Solidarity Group - Chicago
Pax Christi Seed Planters
Peace Pledge
Progressive Democrats of America - Chicago
Public Workers Unite!
ReaCH-Refugee Center for Hope
UIC Political Discussion and Action Group
Veterans for Peace
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ
West Side Greens
West Suburban Faith-based PEACE Coalition
Witness for Peace - Great Lakes Region