On March 21st, 2010 the Illinois National Socialist Front is planning to march in Chicago for what they call “White Pride World Wide”. South Side Anti-Racist Action is making plans to confront the march to let them know that they are not welcome in our city.
March 21st is recognized as International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination because of the massacre of demonstrators demanding an end to apartheid in Sharpesville, South Africa in 1960. However in 2000, neo-nazi and white nationalist organizations came together to attempt to reclaim March 21st as “White Pride World Wide” day against “multi-racial supremacy”.
The Illinois National Socialist Front is a neo-nazi organization primarily based in Peoria and the suburbs of Chicago, some of which are former members of Bill White’s American National Socialist Workers Party. Over the past year they have organized a variety of events including nazi barbeque recruiting events, a speaking event celebrating Hitler’s birthday, a rally against the opening of Holocaust museum in Skokie, a Belleville protest of “black-on-white hate crimes”, and more. They have shown efforts in working with other hate groups such as the National Socialist Movement and are attempting to gather regional support for the White Pride march in Chicago by posting information to websites such as Stormfront and Vanguard News Network.
Besides the activity of neo-nazi hate groups, fascism is still alive in many forms across the US from attacks on immigrant communities to homophobic hate crimes. Even in Chicago, racist graffiti has been seen very recently – an indication that even in Obama’s America, racism is far from being over with. The INSF’s intention to march in Chicago shows that they are growing bolder and aren’t go away unless we take a stand.
South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action is calling out for other groups inside and outside of Chicago to stand with us against fascism. Join us to confront the National Socialist Front’s march on March 21st!
South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action
Gay Liberation Network
Four Star Anarchist Organization
News & Letters
Get in contact if you are interesting in endorsing and/or helping organize this action:
southsidechicagoara (at) hushmail.com
The INSF has not announced the location of the march yet – but check back at the above websites for additional information as the date approaches.
More information on the INSF:
www.illinoisnsf.com illinoisnsf (at) yahoo.com PO Box 9714 / Peoria, IL
The self-proclaimed Leader of the INSF is Philip Anderson former member of American National Socialist Workers Party and associate of Bill White. His phone 309-370-3766, his email is
phildo88rancid (at) hotmail.com, and his address is 804 E Marietta Ave / Peoria Heights IL 61616-6316.