Calling out individuals and organizations interested in health care, social justice and human/animal/environmental rights! Mass meeting to organize protests and events that stand up against the greed of BIO 2010.
Call out for Anti-BIO 2010 Protests
Calling out individuals and organizations interested in health care, social justice and human/animal/environmental rights! Mass meeting to organize protests and events that stand up against the greed of BIO 2010.
Saturday, January 9th
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Logan Square Public Library
3030 W. Fullerton
If you're not familiar with the BIO International Convention, you're in for a treat. The Biotechnology Industry Organization is a trade group representing the multi-national corporations responsible for:
- the cost of health care
- the death of millions of people each year who are killed by
preventable, treatable diseases
- the deaths of tens of millions of animals who are killed in animal
testing, and
- the perpetuation of agricultural and genetic engineering
This isn't your average industry conference- it is a massive international forum which includes:
- keynote speakers George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Al Gore
- the top 10 largest pharmaceutical companies, such as Monsanto, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Novartis
- biotech corporations from 60 countries
- over 200 universities, which dominate the funding and focus of
current research
- national and international politicians, policy makers, and investors
- 70% of attendees are upper management
There are endless reasons to oppose this assembly of greed which profits off the suffering of others and sways public policy and social climate alike. This coalition aims to represent a full spectrum of viewpoints, including:
- Access To Healthcare
- Animal Rights, and
- Environmental Justice
For more information on the BioJustice Coalition, visit:
or email:
biocoalition (at)
For more information on the effects of BIO, visit:,0,4862599.story
BIO's official website: