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Klimaforum09 - the peoples summit comes to Copenhagen

Coming in on the heels of a resounding protest against the basic assumptions of the COP15 climate talks, The People's Summit - Klimaforum09 - hit the ground running with a real alternative. Naomi Klein was there to kick off the festivities: “The Bella Center is the biggest case of disaster capitalism. The deal we really need is not even on the table… The globe has Siemens logo on the bottom and the whole event is sponsored by Coke. That is a capitalization of hope but Klimaforum09 is where the real hope lies"
(Copenhagen 14 December) The starting point for the debates of Klimaforum is a POLITICAL PLATFORM contrasting sharply to the sub rosa agenda of the COP15 spectacle. The platform is stated clearly on the official website of Klimaforum09:

Klimaforum09: Political Platform

The basis for Klimaforum09 is the realization that there is no technological »fix« to the mounting climate crisis. No technology per se – such as i.e. nuclear power, biofuels, genetically modified organisms, carbon capture and storage – can lead us out of the climate crisis. Such solutions will typically lead to far larger problems than they solve. In contrast, sustainable societies require a diversity of locally based solutions – which again require significant mobilization of civil society.

Klimaforum09 believes that what is needed is building a finely balanced relation to nature, thus reducing consumption and production, rather than uncritically exploiting nature and believing in economic growth as is the case in global society today. To attain such change we need new ways of thinking, new cultural values, and new means of organizing society.

With this starting point, Klimaforum09 wishes to promote and debate true, renewable and environmentally sustainable solutions to the climatic changes we are facing. In other words, solutions that:

  • 1. prioritise energy saving and energy effectiveness,
  • 2. promote the use of safe, clean, renewable energy,
  • 3. reduce greenhouse gas emissions and as such do not promote or cement the use of fossil fuels,
  • 4. are built on agricultural methods that fix carbon in the soil and reduce the use of fertilisers and which do not create a threat towards ecosystems, the climate and biodiversity,
  • 5. secure sustainable use of as well as equal and just access to Earth’s resources, and
  • 6. remain critical to the blind focus on consumption which dominates the global society today.

Our wish is that the above will provide a positive platform for constructive debate and exchange of ideas. Klimaforum09 aims at constituting a cohesive framework for a multitude of conferences, workshops, exhibitions etc., to which citizens, grass roots and organisations from all over the world will contribute during the COP15 conference in Copenhagen.

This is not the only challenge to COP15. By Wednesday Noon, it will be clear that not only is another world possible - it is unavoidably real for the world's people.

David Roknich





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