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LOCAL Commentary :: Peace

Video and photos: Dec 5 Antiwar Protest

The antiwar rally and march on December 5 (and the one on December 2) was excellent. Thanks to the organizers, participants, and the downtown audience for making it all happen. Here's video:

So many people heard us. This was great. Hopefully we will have many more protests very soon, preferrably before Obama's NEXT escalation, which I suspect might come as early as summer 2010, if not sooner. We should protest a lot BEFORE then, to get in front of the government's prowar message machine.

As Fred says in another thread, there are plenty of weekly protests:

Peace Corner at the Art Institute
Sundays 1:30-3:30pm
at Art Institute
111 S Michigan

End the War and Occupation
Albany Park,North Park Neighbors for Peace
Saturdays noon-1pm
Kimball and Lawrence, last stop
on Brown L line

End the Occupation of Palestine
Not in My Name
Sundays noon-1pm
Water Tower Park
830 N Michigan

Weekly Peace Vigil at Kluczynski Federal Building
Tuesdays 8 am-9am
230 S Dearborn St. at Adams

Northside Peace Gathering
Every Saturday 2-4 pm
Three Cornered Island of Peace
Milwaukee, Logan & Kedzie aves.
Dec. 5 Gathering #384

It would also be good to figure out how the Internet phenomenon of "trolling" could be used *in the real world* for the purpose of peace.

And what about Internet memes? Can they be made useful by the antiwar movement?

Thoughts on antiwar trolling can be sent to tr4nqued (at)



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