The USA lost the war on terror because the usa with its murderous fbi/cia are the true global terrorists.
The United States Loses their so-called war on terror because the fbi/cia and their minion pentagon reprobate associates seek to terrorize and dominate the world through inhumane , murderous and torturous methodology in support of a twisted, materialistic and macabre ideology. The war was lost before it began partly because the American people in the main continue to listen to their political leaders who are controlled by the intel services and by their own greed and thirst for power. See one of my reports on USA atrocities at:
Then consider the ‘world in box’ data that in itself illuminates my salient points:
As a result of my reports the fbi and the cia do all in their power to silence me, including multiple and ongoing attempts on my life and extensive character assassination, phony stings, etc.:
Also, see the combined fbi/cia/military/university illegal efforts to arrest me at the following links:
Then consider the not so picturesque (yet fully accurate) representation of the fbi (and their objectives against the Target) here:
Discover, if you may, that the only viable way to stop them today is seen here:
Finally, I and many others who openly report the fbi/cia global atrocities are notified that we are put on the unofficial fbi “Most Wanted” Dead List ; see:
Questions! Anyone…, Anyone.
Geral sosbee (956)371-5210