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LOCAL News :: Peace

Afghanistan "Surge" Announcement Coming Next Tuesday Night?

Various news reports indicate that President Obama's "surge" announcement will probably come during prime time evening television on Tuesday night, December 1st.
Juan Torres, low res.jpg
Tens of thousands more troops are likely to go ratchet up the years of foreign occupation that Afghanis have long endured and resented. A thoroughly corrupt local government which steals its own elections, the brother of its president on the CIA payroll and raking in drug money at the same time. And billions more wasted on military domination and death rather than people's needs, whether in Afghanistan, Pakistan or the United States.

Please join Chicago's Emergency Response Actions against the Afghanistan "surge":

If, as expected, President Obama makes his "surge" announcement to the nation during the evening next Tuesday, December 1st, Chicago's Emergency Response action will begin at 5 PM, Wednesday, December 2nd at Federal Plaza, corner of Adams and Dearborn Streets, Chicago, with a march to follow.

On the Saturday following the surge announcement (December 5th), there will be a follow up action at Federal Plaza at 12 noon.

Chicago's anti-surge actions are co-sponsored by the following organizations:
8th Day Center for Justice
Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice
American Friends Service Committee
American Muslims For Palestine
ANSWER Chicago
Chicago Area CodePINK
Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism
Chicago Committee to Bring the Troops Home Now
Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights
Chicago Copwatch
Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
Chicago Labor Against the War
Chicago Socialist Party
Chicago Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Chicago World Can't Wait
Chicagoans Against War and Injustice
Committee on Pilipino Issues (CPI)
Cook County Green Party
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO)
Gay Liberation Network
Generations for Peace
Hugh Spector
Hyde Parkers for Peace and Justice
International Socialist Organization
International Solidarity Movement - Chicago
La Voz de los de Abajo
Logan Square Neighbors for Justice and Peace
Near West Citizens for Peace and Justice
Neighbors for Peace
News and Letters Committees
Nicaragua Solidarity Committee
North Shore Coalition for Justice, Peace and the Environment
Northwest Suburban Peace & Education Project
Palestine Solidarity Group (PSG)-Chicago
Pax Christi St. Gertrude
Peace Pledge
Potluck Democracy
Southsiders for Peace
Tikkun Community-Chicago Chapter
US Marxist-Humanists
Voices for Creative Nonviolence
We Are Change Chicago
West Suburban Faith-based PEACE Coalition
Will County Green Party
Workers World Party

For more information email CCAWR (at) or join our Facebook event at:




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