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Barter Is Patriotic

"The story of American money, which occupies a period of about three centuries, began when the early settlers in New England carried on their fur trade with the indians through the use of wampum, which had been fashioned from mussel shells in the form of beads. Beaver skins, wampum, and in Virginia, tobacco, soon became the common accepted media of exchange for all other available commodities. The immigrants, in fact, had little use for coined money at first, but when traders arrived from foreign lands, coins were usually demanded in payment for goods."

Opening Statement of the book "A Guidebook of United States Coins"
17th Edition, 1964 by R.S. Yeoman
The paragraph above explains well a condition which has only grown larger since the beginning of money in America. Americans have always been able to make do, even prosper, via commerce amongst themselves using currencies of convenience. It was, and still is the foreign "Traders" (Traitors) who have always demanded Americans do business on their terms, there by usurping Americas currencies, commerce, and eventually even our Law. Think ye who financed the defoliation of our forests, who purchased and prepared the smallpox blankets, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. America has been prey to foreign financial powers since July 5th, 1776, and even earlier, in what can only be called a slow takeover, a conquering from within. As of this writing, commerce has been nearly shut down here, with only the bare essentials occurring because of laws and taxes which sharply restrict our buying and selling power amongst ourselves. No one can do anything anymore without paying tribute (Tithing) to the international fiends who have taken over our currency, and thereby our legislation, while instituting taxes and sanctions against every level of American economic society.

People here in America have become afraid, especially since the international powers took over banking, commerce, lawmaking and taxation, because these parasites of finance have insidiously created a huge, nay, gargantuan police force against runaway crime which they themselves perpetrate via their fear-making, lying media. These police are called many things: secret service, federal bureau of investigation, central intelligence agency, county sheriffs (A large military-like force for every county!), city police, private police, homeland security police, and so on. These so-called protectors are nothing more than enforcers of international law which has supplanted American constitutional law. All police in America are not only constitutionally illegal, they are simply just TAX enforcement, making sure Americans do not do any commerce which is not approved by the international powers here, ie. the federal reserve government. The crimes these police patrol against are defined by the international powers, and include but are hardly limited to: driving without international driving permits (Licenses), and/or without federal reserve government car registrations, not possessing internationally controlled insurances, not following the strictures of the international laws pertaining to farming, and much much more. The military too has become nothing but a spending machine of the federal reserve, laundering all kinds of American property and taxpayer product which are then clandestinely delivered in huge shipments to places like Israel and beyond. For instance, during the latest American Occupation in the middle east, aka Gulf War II, which was initiated and nurtured by the traitor George W. Bush, C130 cargo planes airlifted over 363 TONS of U.S. Currency to Iraq in the first 14 months alone! (1)

The shortage of American currency here in America during the term of the traitor Bush, up until this day, may thus be at least partially explained. While the elderly and veterans here are denied food and lodging (The burgeoning homeless population is easily witnessed in every American city) vast amounts of military equipment and American currency is being squandered imperialistically. Meanwhile, laws increase exponentially to further control/limit citizen commerce. This is a death grip/stranglehold on the windpipe of the mass, and its reaching epic proportions. The last generation has been well conditioned to this government tyranny, and that generation should be called the American Television Party. They spout the federal reserve dogma and propaganda with pride, and are complicit in the downfall of America but much too stupid to realize this. They are now paid off with meager social security benefits and life threatening medical care, but because they no longer have to worry about their pitiful needs they are very hostile towards any boat rockers who are finally beginning to demand a return to the American way.

America, through its bought and paid for baby-booming drone slaves, its huge elderly class with its religion of ignorance and the picayune, has been converted to a very distinct and foul form of communism. Again, these lord loving idiots are much too stupid to be able to see any of this for what it really is, they are just so totally relieved to be released from their bondage, and happy to be able to lord something, anything, over the youth.

Overall, this really seems to be a well financed and long range plan to eradicate American law, replacing it with international law. So far, it has worked very well, too. The international paper of the federal reserve banks has debased American currency/coinage, and all money has now become what is called a confidence or fiat currency, based not on precious metal holdings, but on what the printers say it is worth, praise Jesus.

Through this long term and well planned deceit, the international forces who have taken over our government and military were then able to blend equity with law, in a miasma of fraud which amounts to the purposeful, methodic demise of American constitutional law. The federal reserve is a collection of international banks, and has very little to do with America except of course through its ultra heavy taxation of Americans, who have successfully financed the worldwide expansion of this group of ghouls, allowing them to install a vast international police force to protects its own interests, while hiding it all behind crime they create. If respect for the truth is the basis of all morality, then Americans have become the most immoral/amoral group of lazy twits the world has ever known.

One of the better examples of this conquest of America through fear is the Marijuana (Marihuana) Tax of 1937. This highly illegal piece of special interest legislation was enacted to protect pharmaceutical, wood pulp paper, and plastics industries which had been created by families who, if not directly responsible for foreign lawmaking here, bought into it in a big way. The best reference on all that is the book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" By Jack Herer (2). Read that book, and get a good whiff of Americas secret history, then kill your television. This type of lawmaking also serves to drive prices WAY up, and keep them there, so that the most lucrative business in the world, which again is controlled by the international financiers/organized crime, also serves to fuel the fires of their media created crime scenarios, justifying those huge and ever increasing police forces. This is all very elementary but most Americans no longer possess the intellectual wherewithal to do anything but change channels on their TV occasionally. Suffice to say, the marijuana tax act, and others that followed, were organized crimes foot in the door for many things, and the international interests who have taken control of American medicine, energy, lawmaking, and money used these inroads to further their promotion of many very unAmerican things, things like Unrevealed Contracts.

When you spend the currency of the federal reserve you are implying consent to unrevealed contracts because you make no exception to their definition of currency as a BENEFIT of the Federal Reserve, versus your right to coinage as defined by the constitution. You have become party to all the crimes perpetrated in your name, though not necessarily in your interest. Like it or not. One way to beat this international law making is to stipulate that you spend the currency of the foreign federal reserve in duress ONLY, not by choice, but only by virtue of having been forced to by being born into this tawdry and fraudulent situation. Another way to beat these highly organized criminals is to barter with one another, especially as concerns things like marijuana. Marijuana is only illegal under federal reserve law, which means under the foreign codes which have replaced our constitutional law here...marijuana cannot be made illegal according to Americas Constituton, because there are strict reservations stated therein concerning any man usurping the rights of any other man concerning interpretations of God, and the plants and animals of the earth.

In these days of ENMOD, mass electronic implants via vaccinations, designer diseases, mass behavior modification via satellite, antennae, and aerosol sprays, not to mention economic enslavement and a police state, everything any American can do to distance themselves from the international paper which has replaced American money is a good thing. All illegal laws and institutions can be circumvented because they are only in force by the power of the paper money, which most people spend unthinkingly, and without reservation, even though it can and does put them and theirs in prison on a regular basis. Make good records and register statements publicly which indicate your knowledge of the takeover here, then trade amongst yourselves as much as possible, to beat the tax machine which finances the bloodsuckers, and to keep yourself a true American. Barter is the American way. Get as far away from international bank paper (Federal Reserve) as you can. Do it now, for your children, for yourself, and for America.

(1) Vanity Fair Magazine, pg 336, October 2007

(2) The Emperor Wears No Clothes, The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis, And The Conspiracy Against Marijuana. Jack Herer. ISBN 1-878125-02-8. Library of Congress number: 90-164252.

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