LOCAL Announcement :: Environment : Labor
Meeting: Ecosocialism and Marx’s Humanism
News and Letters Committees invites you to a discussion on:
Ecosocialism and Marx’s Humanism: What has to change to save the world?
“Ecosocialism” is a response not only to the massive environmental destruction in our capitalist world, but to the feeling that Green movements have not adequately challenged capitalism while socialist movements have treated ecology as an “afterthought,” and neither has achieved its goals. It implies a recognition of the need to abolish capitalism if human society is to avoid catastrophe. Doing that requires grasping what is the core of capitalist relations that must be transformed.
• Can global warming be contained?
• Does economic growth mean we have to choose between environmental destruction and poverty?
• Why have “socialist” regimes polluted the earth?
Speaker: Franklin Dmitryev, National Co-Organizer, News and Letters
Committees, environmental activist and writer
Talk will be followed by free and open discussion
Date: Monday, October 12, 2009
Time: 6:30 PM
Place: News and Letters Library
228 S. Wabash Ave., Room 230
Chicago, IL 60604