I hope that the jobless, dispossessed and homeless in America suffering the financial crisis fabricated by the financial extortionisits of America, will inform the Capitol and the While House of the conduct of all the Executives of the Ted Turner Global Media Empire. (The people of Chicago shold massively report to President Obama this travesty of the American Citizen).
Open Letter to Media Mogul Ted Turner.
I hope that the jobless, dispossessed and homeless in America suffering the financial crisis fabricated by the financial extortionisits of America, will inform the Capitol and the While House of the conduct of all the Executives of the Ted Turner Global Media Empire.
Distinguished Chairman of the Turner Media Conglomerate:
I respectfully approach you, Sir, to settle directly with you and your close board of trusted directors the program “Yes, we can” proposed to Mr. Philip I. (Phil) Kent, Chairman and CEO of Turner Broadcasting System, to communicate to Americans and Humanity that TEIC has completed the engineered global economics that are needed immediately to unmask the corporate fraud of Globalization and assist President Barak Obama to restore all the regulations abandoned by FDR and deleted by the regime of George W. Bush. Our Scientific Human Economics is published since 2001 in
www.e-libro.net, E-book publisher that copyrighted our intellectual property in the Library of Congress and in Argentina, Venezuela and Spain. We own a rigorous, normalized, irrefutable, technically-sound global economy that we wish to transfer - through the TV program “Yes, we can” - to the people of America and its Government, for your President to bequeath it to Humanity through the United Nations. Our engineering procedures assure the following solutions to Mankind:
- Full global employment within three years, if all the member states of the UN manage their own engineers and their own workers in national works of restoration of the environment and the development of clean energy such as Ethanol, Solar Panels and Eolian Turbines.
- The restoration of the ethical and democratic international monetary system pegged to the GNP/capita, adopted as the permanent and irrevocable universal Standard of Value. This restoration would be made legally-binding by approving a Charter of Economic Rights and Responsibilities of the United States, commanding all Members States to practice the same economic process, using the Charter itself as the manual of operations of their specialized Civil Servants
in charge of the national economic process. The normalization of the global economy would put an end to dispute among nations, over the economy. In fact, Scientific Human Economics is the analogy of the Hydropower Plant. Instead of electricity S.H.E. produce human wellbeing and development of wealth.
- The international massive works needed urgently to begin containing the disasters and cataclysms of Global Warming, which are the result of political negligence all over, and accumulation of industrial waste. All the engineers of the World must be reoriented by their governments to a continuous operation of clean-up of their Nations.
Your Mr. Kent, of Turner Broadcasting System Inc., has received all the documentation of TEIC but has failed to have the courtesy of a simple yes or no. A Russian-Venezuelan TV consortium has already tabled a letter of intent with my associates in Caracas, to start on January 2010 a program which is totally different to “Yes, we can” developed by TEIC Canada. As Director General I have final authority and gave myself the first option expiring on January, 2010, because the majority of our researchers are apolitical and prefer to channel our work to the ownership of Humanity, not to the greedy hands of Putin and Chavez, who have menaced to halt the trade of America. With our technology and, while America is at the abyss of its decadence, their bravado will prove prophetic, if you, Mr. Turner, autorize Mr. Kent to refuse the option I offered him to manage and produce “Yes, we can”, as an ethical apolitical program of information on real technically-sound economics that would assist President Obama to make the fundamental change in the way of life of America, that he promised during the campaign. (I trust that you are aware of TEIC, because complete professional information on the technology was given to the Chairman and CEO of Turner Broadcasting System Inc. with our request to brief your advisors and table in your Secretariat all the documents , including one book, that TEIC entrusted to Mr. Kent).
This letter of mine to Mr. Robert Edward (Ted) Turner III, the Media Mogul most powerful in the World, requests a confirmation of your willingness that we transfer our technology to Putin and Chavez and not to President Obama. That letter (to be answered on your behalf by Mr. Kent) must contain assurances that the President himself has approved Mr. Kent’s decision to allow that our technology be transferred to Caracas where it will be used to incapacitate the international trade of America.
I refuse to believe that Mr. Kent, Ms. Stoll (CEO of CNN) and all other Executive officers of yours have reported to you. Reading my books is enough to know that this technology will transfer Humanity in twenty five years, from the occultism of Gobalization to the society of technical Certainty, from the ignorance of the era of Bush to the higher culture and civilization of the heritage of Obama. Please Mr. Turner, check with your Executives who appear to be in the play pan of childish arrogance... They most certainly are not worthy of being associated with your illustrious name.
Respectfully yours,
Jorge Torrealba, P.Eng., B.Math., Diplomed Executive, Director General, TEIC Canada, Halifax, Ns, Canada.