Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

How to Fix Health Care: Single-Payer – Medicare for All! - Saturday Oct. 3 - 6:30 pm at UIC

How to Fix Health Care: Single-Payer – Medicare for All!

Republicans and the right wing claim President Obama’s plan is a “government takeover.” It is nothing of the sort. His plan keeps the private, for-profit insurers at the heart of the system and mandates the uninsured to buy coverage or be penalized. Advocates of single-payer health care support John Conyers’ legislation, HR 676, expanded and improved Medicare for all. Conyers’ bill abolishes the insurance industry and makes health care a human right for all – including the undocumented.

Come listen to a panel of experts explain the single-payer solution and the struggle to win it.

SPEAKERS: Vanessa Beck, International Socialist Organization and founding member of Chicago Single-Payer Action Network (CSPAN)

Dr. Claudia Fegan, board member and past president of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP)

DATE: Saturday, October 3rd, 6:30
LOCATION: University of Illinois at Chicago , Adams Hall African-American Cultural Center, 830 S. Halsted

Sponsored by the International Socialist Organization



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