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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: International Relations

Demonstration at Colombian Consulate, Friday, 10/2 4pm

Demonstrate against US support for repression and war in Colombia in honor of the International Day of Solidarity with Colombia's Political Prisoners. Friday, Oct. 2nd, 4pm at the Colombian Consulate, 500 N. Michigan.

FREE LILY OBANDO--Labor Union Activist, Film Maker, Sociologists...and Political Prisoner!

Demonstration at the Colombian Consulate,
500 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, IL
4 to 5pm,
Friday, October 2nd

Speakers include:

Guillermo Rafael Cohen, Colombian teacher and activist
Tom Burke, Colombia Solidarity Committee-Chicago
Natasha Morgan, Colombia Action Network and Students for a Democratic Society
Banbose Shango, Co-Chair at Large for the National Network on Cuba
James Jordan, Campaign for Labor Rights

We Demand...

* Freedom for Lily Obando and all Colombian Political Prisoners, including those in the US!

* NO NEW US MILITARY BASES! End US Sponsored War and Repression in Colombia!

* A humanitarian exchange of prisoners of war and negotiations for a just peace in Colombia!

This demonstration is part of the International Day of Solidarity with Colombia's Political Prisoners.
Sponsors include the Colombia Solidarity Committee-Chicago, Campaign for Labor Rights, Colombia Action Network, and International Network in Solidarity with Colombia's Political Prisoners.

Labor union activist, Lily Obando, was arrested for “Rebellion” the week she released a report on the murders of more than 1,500 members of the Fensuagro union of farmers and farm workers. She is one of 7,200 political prisoners in Colombian jails, most arrested on the basis of fabricated evidence. Political arrests, murders and displacements are on the rise. War and repression in Colombia is funded and directed by the US government—and now there are plans for seven new bases. Colombia’s conflict needs a political solution, not a US-backed, military/police-state one.

For more information, send an email to james (at) or call 520-243-0381



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