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LOCAL News :: Peace

Saturday 10/3: Juan Torres to Speak at Hyde Park March Against 8th Anniversary of Afghanistan Invasion

Juan Torres, who lost his son John in Afghanistan, will speak at a protest that will go march near President Obama's house this Saturday on the 8th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of that country.
Juan Torres, low res.jpg
Juan Torres marching in Washington, September 2007.

Juan and John Torres's story was the subject of a front page lead article in this past weekend's Reader:

The march will begin at 1 PM, Saturday, October 3rd at Harold Washington Park, 1700 E. 53rd Street (across the street from the late mayor's residence).

The protest is supported by by dozens of organizations:

8th Day Center for Justice

Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace & Justice

American Friends Service Committee

Caucus Of Rank & File Educators (CORE)

Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism

Chicago Chapter of World Can't Wait

Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights

Chicago Peace Pledge

Code Pink

Cook County Green Party

DAWN (DuPage Against War Now)

Elect Matt Reichel to Congress

Gay Liberation Network

Hammerhard Media Works

Hey Neighbor Project of Resources Unlimited Foundation

International Socialist Organization

Iraq Veterans Against the War

Joe Balkis

La Voz de los de los de Abajo

National Boricua Human Rights Campaign

National Lawyers Guild, Chicago Chapter

Near West Citizens for Peace & Justice

Neighbors for Peace

North Shore Coalition for Peace, Justice and the Environment

Palestine Solidarity Group

Peace Action Task Force of the Social Justice Council of the First Unitarian Church

UIC Political Discussion and Action Group

Veterans For Peace, Chicago Chapter

Voices for Creative Nonviolence

Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ

West Suburban Peace Coalition

Below are pdf's of 1/2-page handbills, flyers and 11" x 17" posters.

Handbill1.pdf (1214 k)
Flyer6.pdf (717 k)
Poster4.pdf (731 k)



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