The 1998 lynching of Gay college student Matthew Shepard in Wyoming ignited consciousness about anti-LGBT hate around the country.
Each year since our founding in 1998, we have sought to use the march to highlight not only current examples of anti-LGBT violence, but the hatred and violations of civil rights which fuel it.
This year we are highlighting the failures of the Chicago area justice system to adequately deal with police officers who violate the civil rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people.
In particular, we are demanding that the City take action against the Town Hall District’s
Officer Richard Fiorito ― the subject of 22 federal lawsuits charging him with framing, and sometimes beating LGBT motorists in the heart of the Boystown entertainment district.
We demand that the police department put him on desk duty until the internal and external charges against him are adjudicated. Given the extensive evidence showing probable cause of criminal wrongdoing, we also demand that the Cook County States Attorneys Office press criminal charges such as Obstruction of Justice and Aggravated Battery.
Click on image for a larger version

Want to help out with the march? If so, please email LGBTliberation@aol.com — there will be several volunteer opportunities over the next few weeks.
Also, you can simply print out the pdf flyers or posters below and distribute them to your friends and acquaintances. Thanks!
Handbill.pdf (399 k)
Poster, color.pdf (344 k)
Requires color printer capable of printing 11" x 17" paper.
Poster, b&w.pdf (1135 k)
Requires black and white printer capable of printing 11" x 17" paper.