Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Elections & Legislation : Environment

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 - From the Holler to the Hood: The REAL Cost of Coal

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ
615 W. Wellington Avenue, Chicago (Lakeview)
Suggested donation $5.00 (to cover costs)

From the "holler" to the "hood" coal is devastating lives and the environment upon which we depend. It's time to blow the lid off the myth of "clean" coal and make conservation, efficiency, and clean energy solutions a reality!
Click on image for a larger version

Residents protest mountaintop removal mining, a practice that blows up the mountains; fills in valleys and streams; pollutes the groundwater; and causes cancer and other diseases
Eco-Justice Collaborative is bringing Lorelei Scarbro from the Coal River Valley in Appalachia to Chicago the last week in September. Lorelei is a nationally-known activist and community organizer with Coal River Mountain Watch. The purpose of her visit is not only to expose the myths of "clean" coal, but also to link the impacts of mining and processing in the coalfields of Appalachia to those experienced in Chicago, where residents in two predominantly Latino communities on Chicago's southwest side bear the brunt of the impacts from burning coal. Each gathering will include actions and steps we can take toward moving us away from polluting fossil fuels and toward a clean energy future.

From the "Hollers":
Lorelei Scarbro, Coal River Mountain Watch

From the "Hood":
Sam Villasenor, Little Village Environmental Justice Organization
Dorian Breuer, Pilsen Environmental RIghts and Reform Organization

Alderman Joe Moore, 49th Ward
Kat Wallace and Parson Brown, Topless America: Video and Music
Pam and Lan Richart, Eco-Justice Collaborative: If Not Coal, Then What?

This event is part of a series of events planned during the week of September 28. All events are open to the public. Visit our website ( for details for all events and fliers for individual events.
Burning coal is a primary cause of climate change
Sponsors and co-sponsors for the series of events



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