Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Elections & Legislation : Environment : Labor : Protest Activity

From the "Holler" to the "Hood": The REAL Cost of Coal

Monday, September 28, 2009
Noon to 1:30 PM / Brown Bag LunchLoyola University, Water Tower Campus
820 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Room #TBD

From the "Holler" to the "Hood", coal is devastating lives and the environment upon which we depend. It's time to blow the lid off the myth of "clean" coal, and make conservation, efficiency and clean energy solutions a reality!
. . . From the “Hollers” of West Virginia
Lorelei Scarbro, Coal River Mountain Watch

and from one of Chicago’s “Hoods” . . .
Sam Villasenor, Little Village Environmental Justice Organization

and featuring . . .
Kat Wallace and Parson Brown, Topless America
Excerpt from Mountaintop Removal Mining Documentary

Pam and Lan Richart, Eco-Justice Collaborative
If Not Coal, Then What?

This event includes:
1. Video depicting the impacts of coal mining and processing in the Coal River Valley prepared by Topless America.

2. Stories and song that relay the extent of the destruction of mountaintop removal mining (MTR) on the rich ecosystem of the
Appalachian mountains and the people whose culture and lives are being destroyed.

3. Stories from local activists in Chicago (Little Village Environmental Justice Organization and Pilsen Environmental Rights and Reform Organization), working to close the power plants in their communities that cause asthma, lung disease and other respiratory diseases.

4. . . . and ORGANIZING to transition our nation from fossil fuels to a clean energy future!

Watch our website ( for details as they develop and be sure to download a flier from our events page!



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