Monday, Sep. 14
Come to a News and Letters Committees discussion on:
Workers Confronting an Uncertain Future
DATE: Monday, September 14, 2009
TIME: 6: 30 PM
LOCATION: 228 S. Wabash Ave., Room 230
Workers confront a world mired in an economic crisis that threatens not only their livelihoods, but the stability of nations. In the U.S., unemployment continues to deepen, while at the same time unemployment benefits are running out, and more and more families are facing foreclosure and the loss of their homes.
Internationally, those workers who live in countries run by totalitarian regimes have to deal with beatings and murders of union members and organizers, starvation wages and job uncertainty.
Gerry Emmett, “World in View” columnist, News
& Letters
Charles R. Gilyard, President of Local 2154, United Steelworkers
228 S. Wabash Ave. Room 230
Chicago, IL
arise (at)