Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: International Relations : Labor : Protest Activity

America Needs Socialist Revolution!

Break with the Democratic Party of Racism and War!
For a Revolutionary Workers Party!
Spartacist forum - Saturday, Sept 12 5 PM
750 S Halsted Room 713
Spartacist League / Spartacus Youth Club Forum:

Capitalism in Its Death Agonies —
America Needs Socialist Revolution!

Break with the Democratic Party of Racism and War!
For a Revolutionary Workers Party!

Saturday, September 12 at 5pm
University of Illinois at Chicago
Student Center East, Room 713
750 S. Halsted St. (UIC/Halsted stop on CTA Blue Line)

For more information call 312-563-0441
Email: chicagospartacist (at)



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