LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Protest Activity : Right Wing
Teabaggers to be at Federal Plaza Saturday - Anti-Healthcare Rally
The Illinois Liberty Alliance has announced it's plans to be in Chicago, at Fed Plaza for a NO HEALTHCARE - Recess Rally
Let's muster our folks to counter these bigots and morons.
It’s Time for the Recess Rally!
By Eric Odom at August 21st, 2009.
Fellow American Patriots,
Tomorrow is the day for the Nationwide Recess Rally. This is what we’ve all been working for and we believe we’ll see great success across the country.
As a reminder, tomorrow’s gatherings are a symbolic statement from We The People for those who we elect to REPRESENT us. We recommend that you get pictures, get video, and shake hands with as many people as possible. Make your voice heard and build relationships across your community in the process.
But what are the action items to follow the Recess Rally?
Most people don’t know this, but without Republican complicity and votes, Obama Care would likely be dead in the Senate.
What the negotiating Republican Senators do will determine the final results in the Obamacare fight. The Senators who have the power to see Obama pass or fail are Grassley (IA), Enzi (WY), Snowe (ME), Collins (ME), Graham (SC) and Bennett (UT). These six Senators should stop negotiating a compromise and let this nightmare legislation come to an end.
So after the Recess Rally, you should take the following action steps:
-Visit, call and email YOUR Rep/Senator
-Call and email the six Senators listed above
-Write letters to your local editor and mention the six Senators
-Post reminders about the six on your Facebook, Twitter and social media profiles
-Post reminders about the six on your blog
-E-mail your friends and family and explain the details about these six Senators
-Contact the RNC/GOP and demand they put pressure on the six Senators
We The People employ these elected Senators. It’s our job to demand they do their jobs and look out for the interest of America.
Lastly, I want to personally thank the hundreds of Americans who have put in countless hours to make the Recess Rally effort happen. Your work is much appreciated and your contribution is potentially game changing for the direction of our great country.
Good luck tomorrow and have a great Recess Rally!
For Liberty,
-Eric Odom
Eric Odom
Eric Odom is Executive Director and Co-Founder of the American Liberty Alliance. Eric is a libertarian minded, free-market activist. His profession is web strategy and online community development.