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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Animal Rights

Michael Vick's return to football enrages animal lovers

Michael Vick's return to football enrages animal lovers
one of Michael Vick\'s victoms.jpg
Convicted animal abuser Michael Vick returned to the football field today with a new team, the Philadelphia Eagles.
No one has watched his comeback closer and with a more skeptical eye here than the animal blog, Unleashed. The readers of the pro-pet blog are up-in arms and calling for the dismissal of Vick. Some feel the talented quarterback has paid his price (millions of dollars lost from his football contract when he was sent to prison), and to society when he spent a year and a half at a federal prison in Kansas.
D Peterson wrote in to say: "As long as Micheal Vick is playing football I will be at every game humanly possible to protest. And I will never buy another PEPSI product as long as I live and that is a promise."
Mike August wrote : any game in New York that Vick plays I will do every thing in My power to disrupt. Protesting is a right. Fighting and killing dogs is not
We also Call for a boycott of Snaple tea drinks as they are sponsors of the Eagles and in part responsible for showing that Animal abusers like Vick can Get a free pass back

Ken Fuller
PETA member

There is an e-mail the Philadelphia Eagles and demand the termination of Vic



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