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9/11 Truth KO's Vibrant Response False Flag

Alarmed by what they saw as the dangers of national WMD terror exercise "Vibrant Response," 9/11 Truth veterans issued an alert. A simple chronology shows that their concerns are warranted.
9/11 Truth KO's Vibrant Response False Flag

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By Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast


VA Hospital, Houston -- Alarmed by what they saw as the dangers of national WMD terror exercise "Vibrant Response," four leading 9/11 Truth veterans decided to issue an alert. Going by the dictum that every terror exercise has an optional plan to become a terror attack, they investigated and published the Vibrant Response script, which called for a simulated nuking of Kansas City. They added a list of the top five U.S. target cities, based upon their experience in monitoring -- and sometimes interdicting -- false flag terror exercises.

A simple chronology shows that their concerns were warranted and their assertions were correct:

July 27 -- The U.S. military announces Vibrant Response, 2009, scheduled for July 31 - August 14. They make no mention of a Kansas City nuclear event:

"'Vibrant Response' to train troops for disasters," Army News Service, 7/27/2009,

August 3 -- The 9/11 Truth article warning about Vibrant Response is published. It specifies that there will be a nuclear simulation in the Kansas City area:

"Nuclear Obama's `Vibrant Response'," The Lone Star Iconoclast, 8/3/2009,

August 5 -- Leavenworth Times, a major publication in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, where Vibrant Response is headquartered, publishes an article that casually mentions the crucial fact that the terror exercise will involve a nuclear simulation in Kansas City:

"Exercise Focuses on Emergencies," Leavenworth Times, 8/5/2009,

August 6 -- The Fort Leavenworth Lamp publishes the bizarre information -- also casually inserted -- that Vibrant Response is ending five days early. The curtailing of a major military exercise is unheard of, but the article offers no explanation:

"Joint task force trains for disaster response," The Fort Leavenworth Lamp, 8/6/2009,

The articles above -- three out of four of them official military sources -- suggest that a false flag terror attack was indeed being prepared, and that the revelation of key exercise information by the 9/11 Truth article forestalled it.

Occurrences in the top five target areas also strongly corroborate this analysis. Four out of five of them experienced unusual and potentially disastrous events, which we believe were local adjunct exercises under the control of Vibrant Response. For more details, refer to:

"Vibrant Response Update," The Price of Liberty, 8/10/2009,

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The four co-authors of the Vibrant Response alert were:

-- Dr. James H. Fetzer, Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth
-- W. Leon Smith, Publisher, The Lone Star Iconoclast
-- Major William B. Fox, Publisher, America First Books
-- Captain Eric H. May, Commander, Ghost Troop Cyber Militia



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